I think sometimes there is a negative connotation around yoga props, as it’s often referred to as a ‘modification’. In the Vast world of yoga, there are endless options, choices, and opportunities to focus your energy on your own personal practice. Yoga strap is here to help you increase flexibility, stabilize joints, and create space where needed.

5 Do-it-with Yoga Strap Asanas
Gomukhasana Arms / Cow Face Pose
You’ll find that this bind might be challenging on one side more than the other. Lack of flexibility in this posture can lead to tense shoulders that needs to relax. The strap gives me a little extra length to play with the triceps & reap greater benefits. With practice (using yoga strap), your hands will be able to inch closer and closer togther on the strap until they finally clasp!
Baddha Konasana / Bound Angle Pose

First, make a loop with the strap and position it around your sacrum and underneath the feet. The tighter the strap, the closer your legs will be to your body. The strap supports the sacrum and the outer thighs, so you can comfortably release your weight into the straps and let gravity pull you deeper and deeper into the stretch.
It can serve as a great hip opener. As women, we tend to hold a lot of tension and emotions in our hips “the junk drawer of emotions”.
Lying Leg Stretch

Make a large loop with your strap and place it right where your bra strap usually sits. Tighten or loosen the strap to a point where you can straighten the leg, flex the foot, and gently pull the leg closer to you. Hold this pose for a good 8-10 breaths, or even longer if it feels good.
Outer Hip Release / Supine Twist
From the lying leg stretch, just shift the leg out to the side. It feels, incredible. Your quads, hamstrings, and outer hips will thank you. If you’re stretching out the right leg, remember to stay grounded through your left side as well. When you’re ready, bring the leg across the body to the opposite side for a supine twist. This pose rings out the spine (and digestive system), releasing the back.
Shoulder Opener

The key to stretch the shoulders is to relax them away from the ears and position the hands wide enough, so you can move the strap forwards and backwards without bending your elbows. Take it slow, and do not force anything.
There are so many ways to use a strap with enoromous benefits if you are beginner or having a stiff body day.