At present, yoga is being done at the isolation centers of Nagrota Bagwan and Indora. Its purpose is to keep people physically and mentally healthy.
After announcing a 21-day nationwide, Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted a video of him practising yoga to stay fit on Twitter. He had written that whenever he gets time, he does an asana “Yoga Nidra” at least once or twice a week. This helps him relieve stress. He further said that asana ensures overall well-being as well as relaxes the mind along with reducing stress and anxiety.

Why Yoga
Yoga is a panacea to prevent corona. Yoga keeps the body healthy. It increases immunity, the respiratory system also gets strong. Obviously, there is no question of any kind of infection in a healthy body.
It has been proved via researches that practicing yoga regularly increases the white blood cells in the body. Due to this disease resistance capacity also increases. When the immunity of the body increases then no virus can infect us.
Practicing Yoga Nidra
According to Swami Satyananda— it’s a great tool to rely on when you’re feeling under-rested.
A yoga nidra session typically is 30 minutes long—any shorter isn’t long enough to enter a parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) state and any longer than 45 minutes can be considered an advanced practice.
- For Yoga Nidra to be an absolute success, you need to be as much comfortable as you can be. In case you own a memory foam mattress or mat then that is the best thing to use. If it is not the case, you can use any pillows or mats that work for you. Some people often prefer to elevate their feet or sometimes their head.
- Wear loose clothing. You will want clothing which is comfortable for you and you can breathe easy. This can assist you in avoiding any unsuccessful attempts if you are not comfortable.
- Warm up with Sun Salutation, also known as Surya Namaskar. Doing few rounds of this sun salutations can effectively make and prepare your muscles as well as mind to practice yoga.
- In order to attain a full concentration of mind, the room must be silent.
- Lie flat on the back along with arms stretched outwards by your sides, palms facing upwards or do it what feels more comfortable. It is also an option if you choose to sit in an easy and comfortable position.
- Close your eyes and then relax your eyelids. Let them simply lie on the eyeballs or not.
- Start taking a couple of deep breathes while emphasizing on exhalation. Breathe in via your nostrils while gradually filling up your lungs with air and then exhale through your mouth. Now try to inhale as well as exhale on a count of 10 seconds.
- Try to visualize the entire body of yours just as it is lying down.
- Gradually start noticing your right leg. First, the right foot, gradually move up to the calf, your knees, thigh, hip and the entire leg, you will realize bringing attention to it, it relaxes by itself, do not force to relax, that is opposite of yoga Nidra.
- Repeat the same with your left leg
- Now gradually move up your torso, front and back of torso, continuing to notice relaxation happening to every part, whole back, the lower abdomen region, stomach, chest and gradually reach your hand.
- Just like your legs, the relaxation of hands also happens in step by step process. Start with the right arms and work down slowly to the palms and eventually the fingers
- Repeat the process with your left arms, palms and fingers
- Now gradually move up to your throat, neck, face and eventually your head
- Take a deep breath and make sure you stay in this state for few before gradually awakening every body part back in the same manner.
- Don’t be in a hurry, gradually come to consciousness and complete awakening, slowly get up and sit and slowly open your eyes.
With the above-mentioned steps, you can do Yogic Sleep with effectiveness. It will make you relax and feel you more spiritually awake. It will surely help you attain comfort and peace of mind.