WomenFitness India

Yoga to Manage Eating Disorders

By Prerna Sinha, Maaofallblogs

Yoga is the ancient Indian science that was given to us 5000 years ago and seems like we all are rediscovering it’s benefits all over again. While yoga has been told to have many benefits, there is a little debate on whether yoga can help in combating Eating Disorders like Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge eating etc.

While yoga can help decrease anxiety and calm a person down it is also observed that sometimes people with eating disorders are attracted to yoga for its Intensive asanas and weight loss benefits.

It’s important to choose milder and more focused yoga practice for people who are suffering from eating disorders.

The yoga they practice should teach them to appreciate their bodies and reduce anxiety and stress. Focus on breath and mindfulness will help them calm down and teach self-acceptance.

Asanas to help you Manage and Overcome Eating Disorder

Start with gentle or restorative yoga flow and try and feel that entire connection of mind with body.

Tadasana Or Mountain Pose

Stand upright on the ground, with the heels touching each other and feet slightly apart. Keep your chin up and stay for 5 minutes. You can also raise your hands in namaste for a few breaths. Repeat 3 times.


Benefits- It teaches you to stay still and learn balance which in turns calms you down. It also improves gut health.

Nostril Breathing

A few minutes of Left Nostril breathing sit cross legged or in vajrasana and close your eyes.  Close your right nostril with your thumb. Breathe in and out, long and deep through your left nostril only. Do this for 31 minutes. You need to do this for 90 days to truly change your patterns.  Go nice and slow.

Benefits- This activates the left hemisphere of the brain to combat that impulse to overeat that is originating from the right hemisphere

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


Lie flat on your stomach and place your head on the ground. Keep both your hands on either side of your shoulders. Slowly, put pressure on your palms and lift your body up. The torso is lifted whereas the body from pelvic is on the floor. Hold this posture for about 15-30 seconds and exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.

Benefits: The cobra pose cures digestive disorders like constipation and flatulence. It also improves mental calmness and gradually helps in treating sudden food cravings

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Lie flat on your stomach and raise both the legs and torso backwards. Now hold both your feet with your hands. Stay for 8-10 counts and keep breathing normally. Repeat 5 times   


Benefits :The bow pose can help boost digestion, treat constipation.

Halasana (Plow Pose)


Lie on your back and raise both legs up, now fold from the waist and try and touch your toes to the floor. If your toes don’t touch the flow you can keep a stool or a pillow under it. Hold this posture for 10-15 seconds, relax for a minute and repeat for 3 times.

Benefits : This is one of the best asanas to help provide relief from an eating disorder. It also resolves digestive issues and enhances appetite.

Crab Pose

Lie on your back now bend the knees keeping the feet hip width apart. Keep the arms behind your hips with the fingers pointed towards your feet. Inhale and lift the hips up towards the ceiling.


Benefits- Crab Pose helps strengthens endocrine and respiratory systems.

Garland Pose Or Malasana

is nothing but sitting in a deep squat  or Indian squat. Make you’re your feet are not parallel but facing away. Keep your hands in Namaste.


BenefitsIt removes tension from lower back, improves digestion and concentration.

Locust Pose or Shalabhasana


Lie on your belly.  Rest your chin on the ground, arms by your sides, then lift up your chin, and hands in the air, parallel to the body. Keep squeezing your glutes and core and keep lifting your legs nd chest up as much as possible. Look forward without creating any tension in your neck.

Benefits- It Strengthens lower back, spine and abdominal muscles.

Please try these asanas. Remember the first step to healing is self-acceptance. If you are suffering from any kind of Eating Disorder, start slow and slowly you will see changes.


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