Ms. Namita Nayyar:
The first thing women want is to shed the baby pouch. What simple stretches can a new mom do to manage pain and ease recovery?

Ms. Suhani Sheshodia:
I understand – I’ve been there too – that in today’s times, a new mother is under tremendous pressure to shed off the pregnancy weight magically overnight.
Please give your body a minimum of one year to begin to feel and look like it did – one year is the minimum.
Here are some asanas you can practice safely postpartum
- Tadasana
- Tiryak tadasana
- Setu bandha
- Marjaryasana
- Gomukhasana
- Matsyasana
- Purvottanasana
- Thread the needle
- Dancer pose
- Puppy pose
- Horse pose
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
How and when asanas can be incorporated after delivery.
Ms. Suhani Sheshodia:
It is best to take expert advice at least initially.
A post-natal yoga teacher who can make your post-party yoga journey smooth and complication free.
As I said earlier we begin slow and then gradually begin the practice of more complex asanas as the body keeps healing more and more.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Share your journey of recovery of weight loss and building strength with yoga
Ms. Suhani Sheshodia:
I began my journey of weight loss and building strength after two months of my delivery. I’d see and remind myself of the work that I have to begin but also be grateful for the body for being magical and for giving me a surreal experience that will last a lifetime.
I knew I have a lot of time to get back in shape. I won’t say I wasn’t in a hurry I was like most of us.
But that’s not the best thing I feel for the body.
I started with gentle yoga practice and with each passing week – that is after the completion of two months postpartum – I kept on taking it slightly deeper.
Yoga helps you not only build strength physically but mental resilience and emotionally stronger as well.