All the yoga poses indicated below are tried & well-tested by many women for enhancing chest area. So, stop being embarrassed of small bust and move your body a bit to get bigger breast naturally. The chest is associated with love, courage, and confidence in many cultures. In Ayurvedic medicine, the 5,000-year-old wisdom and healing tradition of India, the heart and chest region are viewed as intelligence centers, the heart is considered the seat or root of the brain.
1. Bhujangasana:

Also known as the Cobra pose, it is an effective yoga pose to strengthen the chest muscles and promotes blood circulation which ultimately increases the breast size. To perform, lie down on the floor with your stomach laid flat. Next, place the hands on the floor and raise your body including neck, shoulder, and head. When you reach the highest point while raising your body, slowly tilt your head and raise it towards the ceiling. Get back to the same position and do this 2-5 times in a day.
2. Ustrasana:

Ustrasana, also known as camel pose, is another common pose which can help to enhance breast definition. Performing Ustrasana 5 times every day can help to stretch the breast muscles, thus, increasing its size. In order to do this pose, you should sit on your knees. Now place your hands on the waist and slowly bend backward. While you bend backward, push your buttocks in the air. Once you reach the lowest position, stay for 10 seconds. Take a deep breath while holding the posture.
3. Dhanurasana:

Also known as the bow pose, it is effective in enhancing the breast size. Other than increasing the breast size, it also helps to relieve constipation, ease menstrual pain and benefit you in many other ways. Lay your stomach on the floor and take a deep breath. Next, start folding the knees towards the head and do this as much as you can. Keep your face looking straight and keep stretching. Slowly release the posture and come back to the normal position. Repeat this 5-7 times in a day. You can observe the difference in a month.
4. Vrikshasana:

Known as the tree pose, Vrikshasana helps to stretch the breast muscles which can make them grow faster and keep them firm. Another benefit of doing Vrikshasana regularly is you will enjoy firm and rounder butt and it also works as a stress relieving pose. In order to do this pose, you need to stand straight and keep your chest pulled out. Raise your chest a bit and hold on. Now, bend your right knee and place it on the left thigh. Make sure you place the foot firmly so that you can hold the posture for some time. Hold this posture and take a deep breath. Repeat this with the left leg and form a Namaste posture. Do this twice or thrice every day in the morning to get bigger breast size.
5. Gomukhasana (Cow Pose)

Sit erect on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. Now gently bend your left leg and place it under your right buttock.
Fold your right leg and place it over your left thigh. Place both your knees close together as they are stacked one on top of the other.
Gently fold your left arm and place it behind your back. Take your right arm over your right shoulder and stretch it as much as you can until it reaches your left hand. With practice, you will be able to not just reach, but also catch your left hand. Keep the trunk erect, expand your chest, and lean slightly back. Hold this pose for as long as you are comfortable, as you breathe slowly and deeply. Concentrate on your breathing.
Regular practice of these asanas can benefit in innumerable ways.