Yoga can significantly improve the health of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients, according to a new study from AIIMS, New Delhi. It has been discovered that yoga lowers inflammation by controlling cellular damage and oxidative stress (OS). It balances pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, raises endorphin levels, reduces cortisol and CRP levels, and maintains melatonin rhythms. This facilitates the disruption of the inflammatory and hyperactive immune system cycle.

At a molecular level, boosting the activity of the telomerase enzyme and genes involved in DNA repair and cell cycle regulation slows down the aging process of cells. Additionally, yoga improves mitochondrial function, which guards against telomere attrition and DNA damage by enhancing energy metabolism and lowering oxidative stress.
Asanas to Practice with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
This pose eases the joint pain making the knees strong and flexible. It helps relieve the pain caused by sitting in the same position for long hours. It also stretches the lungs, chest, and shoulders while strengthening the spine. Additionally, it boosts energy, aids in digestion, and fights fatigue. This pose can benefit older people with knee discomfort as well.

- Lie down on your belly with your feet apart and your hands beside your ribs.
- Then, extend your toes backward and press them down.
- Inhale and press your hands down on the ground. Start to lift your head and chest.
- Now, keep your arms straight. Stretch your neck and focus on raising your chest.
- Finally, exhale and lightly release yourself to the ground.
Avoid performing this if you:
- Have a severe spinal injury.
- Feel any discomfort or pain in the lower back.
- Are pregnant.
- Have a pain in the wrist or a related medical condition.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
This backbend stretches the thighs and opens up the chest, increasing blood flow to the core, hips, and thighs. It helps in strengthening the finger joints, wrists, and shoulders. Additionally, it reduces backache, stress, and anxiety. Finally, it brings better body and mind alignment.

- Begin by lying on your back. Allow your head and shoulders to rest on the ground.
- Bend your knees to place the sole of your feet flat on the ground. The feet should be parallel and about hip distance apart.
- Bring your feet inwards, inhale, and lift your hips high toward the ceiling. Press your forearms down on the ground to lift your hips more.
- Keep thighs hip-distance apart and parallel. Move your chest towards your chin, lengthening your tailbone towards your feet. Relax your face and hold the pose for five deep breaths.
- On exhaling, let go of your hands. Slowly lower your hips and lay down on the ground.
- Avoid performing the Bridge pose if you have a shoulder injury.
- Do not tilt your head while practicing it.
- Do not perform if you have a fracture, severe Osteoporosis, or joint dysfunction.
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
This pose improves the strength of the legs and back muscles while enhancing body balance. Regularly practicing it strengthens and increases the range of motion of the knee and spine. Additionally, it aids in the relief of arthritis-related pain.

- Stand with your legs close to each other. Raise one leg slightly so that most of your weight falls on the other leg.
- Place your foot’s heel on the other leg’s thigh. Bring it as close to the pelvis as feasible.
- Raise your hands over your head slowly. Point your fingers upwards, palms facing each other.
- Hold the position and take a few deep breaths. Slowly lower your legs down on the ground.
- Do not practice it if your blood pressure is low.
- Avoid it if you have a severe leg or thigh injury or a headache.