WomenFitness India

Unfolding Nupuur Patil Journey to Become a Celebrity Nutritionist

Namita Nayyar:

How do you like to kick-start your day? What do you like to eat for breakfast?


 Nupuur Patil:

I am a very early riser I wake up at 5 AM every day I like to kickstart my day with meditation and some quiet time, journalling or just meditation which gives me time to reflect and gives me the empowerment to go through my day.

I go for a workout it can be running cycling or a swim and then I come back and I’m so hungry I’m starving so I generally have a good huge breakfast so it’s either oats or poha, Dosa Idli, or sometimes 2 eggs with a toast. I like to eat a hot breakfast and it can be anything from Indian to Continental but it has carbs, proteins, and veggies so it’s a very balanced meal.

Namita Nayyar:

PCOD & PCOS are health issues that have become increasingly predominant in teenage girls & women. 5 lifestyle & diet modifications that need to be incorporated to manage hormones in the body?

Nupuur Patil:

It’s so true that PCOD is becoming more relevant and more prevalent in today’s lifestyle for girls /women of all ages I was also battling PCOS and I have completely recovered without medication just from dietary and lifestyle changes.

Five lifestyle and diet modifications that need to be incorporated to manage PCOS

  1. First would be eating a high-protein meal I’m when I say high Protein I just don’t mean that it just protein because the Indian diet is deficient in protein make sure you’re having protein in every meal.
  2. The second would be to make sure you do not have processed food because processed food is directly linked to insulin resistance which is a side-effect of PCOS so if you reduce your processed food consumption you will see improvements in your PCOS
  3. third is practicing yoga is a very good form of exercise for all PCOD patience and I highly recommend it because I practice yoga every day
  4. fourth is to eat healthy fats so include good fats in your diet reduce the consumption of trans fats include omega 3 fatty acids in your diet some examples can be like flaxseeds fatty fish like salmon mixed seeds nuts avocados and ghee.
  5. fifth is to move every day in the form of exercise or walking or just anything, 30 minutes of movement per day and maybe 5k to 8000 steps every day is very very important when you start this you will start seeing changes in your PCOD symptoms right away.
  6. sixth is managing stress. stress also affects how your body is managing your hormones so if you have a stressful life you need to find out ways to combat or reduce the stress I used meditation and yoga when I had PCOS which helped me tremendously and a lot of Pranayam which are breathing exercises.

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