WomenFitness India

Ultimate Butt Workout For Women

By Dr. Adnan Badr,

Physiotherapist at Digestive Health Institute by Dr. Muffi

These are exercises which one can do even at Home. The below exercises will ensure that you get a butt to flaunt off.

step ups

1. Step Ups

Step ups are a most common exercise to get your butt into shape and it can be performed within the confines of your home as well. All you require is a raised platform to do this exercise. Step on to the platform, one leg at a time, and raise your knee as high as possible. Repeat this exercise for around 10 minutes.

2. Rear Leg Shifts

Get down to your fours by bending your knees and forearms. Then, gently lift one leg off the floor and push the foot (kick) towards the roof (in the upwards direction). Bring your leg back again down slowly and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

3. Bridges

Lie on your back with your feet on the ground and knees pointing upwards towards the ceiling. Lift your butt off the floor but make sure that your feet, shoulders and head are still in contact with the ground. Push your butt as high as you possibly can.


4. Deep squats 

Keeping your back straight, it is advisable to go as low as possible while doing your normal squats. These deep squats will ensure maximum glute activation, which will help your butt get in shape.

5. Cossack Lunges

This exercise requires you to stand with your feet placed wider than shoulder-width. Then, you shift your weight to either left or right side while you squat down on one leg and keep the other leg straight. When you squat completely, point the toes of the straight leg upwards. Repeat this exercise with the other leg and the other side of your body.

6. Fire Hydrants 

The fire hydrant exercise strengthens your glutes and the smaller muscles of the legs. This exercise starts in kneeling position on all fours; raise one leg to the side maintaining a knee bend. Repeat with the other leg in sets of 3 or more. 

7. Lateral walk with Bands

Lateral walk with Bands

Position a band around your lower legs. You can position the band closer to your for an easier movement or around the ankles or feet for a more advanced movement. With the band in place, assume an athletic standing position, with the knees and hips slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart, and the head and chest up. This will be your starting position. As you stay low, take a slow, lateral step. Your toes must be pointed forward and you must stay low. After completing this, repeat with the opposite leg. Step slowly, resisting the band. To maintain band tension, keep the feet at least shoulder width apart. Continue to laterally step in this manner to complete the set for the desired number of repetitions before switching to walk in the opposite direction.

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