With increasing demand there has been an outburst of number of health & fitness channels. All of them may not possess answers to your querries but make sure you are on the right track to achieve your goal.
- Gurumann (he is professionally certified trainer living in U.S.A, and owner of gm nutrition, an international certified trainer for nutrition and bodybuilding, and owner of “health and fitness “channel. One of the first channel that came in the name of Indian fitness’ and maintain good quality content. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGMOauU8dOd4mv2bT3Tx57w
- FITMUSCLE TV (one of the best and best channels in YouTube filled with lots of content, the channel is moved by a graduate from world’s top college known as “iit Kharagpur”. and, a professional pilot too. and an internationally certified trainer name “gaurav taneja”, he is also professional fitness vlogger owns another channel too especially for those who love fitness vlogs. Channel name is “Flying beast” the speciality of his channel is that all contents are explained with right science and with proper explanation, he gains wide popularity within short span, his channel maintain high quality in contents and explanation wit right science.
- Fit tuber by Vivek is another popular Indian Fitness Youtube Channel. He regularly uploads videos of health tips, product reviews, workout videos, motivational videos, healthy recipes, workout tips and more. He believes fitness is staying healthy and feeling good about our bodies rather than making bulky muscles. For a weekly dose of health and fitness tips do visit Fit tuber Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYC6Vcczj8v-Y5OgpEJTFBw
- Food Food is an Indian food and lifestyle channel that was launched in January 2011. It is a joint venture between Malaysia-based Astro Overseas Limited (Astro), Sanjeev Kapoor, Kartik Gaikwad and Mogae Consultants. Do visit: http://www.foodfood.com/
- Here is a show that every mother can learn from. Mummy Ka Magic has yummylicious solutions for the biggest problem in a mother’s life – feeding healthy food to their kids. From snacks to desserts that look good, taste good and still have all the essential nutrients required for a child, this show will feature all kinds of fun food that kids, and their friends will love, and Mothers will love making! visit: http://www.foodfood.com/shows/mummy-ka-magic/
- In a one-of-kind channel Health Challenge, India’s sadakchef Saransh takes on a career-defining dare to make India’s most cherished yet badnaam dishes healthier… WITHOUT compromising the overall flavour. He’s up against the tastiest yet unhealthy ingredients of all time. Butter, ghee, oil, Maida, sugar. white flour etc…
- Kriti Shastry: Kriti has a large following on Instagram and her YouTube channel compliments this with intermittent videos which provide insights. Kriti provides tips to help Desi women develop a healthier lifestyle. Her advice on how to lose weight is the biggest reason why more people are following her social media platforms. Catch her: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSnwklCCOeBHryRny_cahRQ
- Sapna Vyas: Sapna’s YouTube videos have a plethora of health tips targeting Desi people. Especially, related to diet and where things do not work. She’s documented her own story of her dramatic weight loss online and has decided to help others seeking the same results. Her Instagram is what makes her one of the best fitness people in India, where provides great tips on diet and exercise to millions of followers. Catch her on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC484uapjsmv3n9QGJVI1c1A
- Last but not the least, we have for you Women Fitness Channel with tons of scientifically proven information to help you achieve health and fitness goals no matter what your age, health issue or present health status.
Go check them out, What are you waiting for.