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Why Today’s Women Prefer Kids in Their 30’s?

Women Prefer Kids in Their 30's

Looking at the present senario no girl is really ready before at least 28, or maybe 32, or maybe 35, to settle down and have a baby. It has become common that committed couples in their late twenties, early thirties, and even mid-thirties are either terrified of parenting or putting off having a baby. The myth of “readiness” is creating a monster: Women (and men!) who would really like to give into that biological urge to have children and create a family, but are afraid of the BIG responsibility.

Delay or not, there is a good news for career women, scientists have found that delaying pregnancy till age 35 may actually make children smarter, contradicting the conventional belief. In contrast to 40 years ago, children born to older mothers today are more likely to perform better in cognitive ability tests than those born to younger mothers. This shift is due to the changing characteristics of women who have children at an older age, said researchers from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in the UK.

Why women put off having babies?

  1. Parenthood is seen as loss of Freedom.

    Independent women feel they will lose their freedom once they get pregnant or will be unable to handle the additional burden. But they need to reaize that our bodies are meant to do it, and while society is not currently set up to support young parents, having a kid young also doesn’t mean you’re permanently derailed. Trust me: when you’re that young mom wondering if you’ve just blown your whole future, a little support, some high expectations, and a dash of optimism can go a long way.

  2. Putting too much emphasis on building a career before having babies.

    Young women need to realize that having children younger, rather than trying to get one’s career completely buttoned-up prior to having kids, might be the wiser path. A child born when his mother is 25 will finish high school when his mother is 43, an age at which, with full-time immersion in a career, she still has plenty of time and energy for advancement.

  1. Arranging Proper Funds to Raise a Family

    It’s perfectly OK to grow your family’s financial stability alongside your kids. It makes you more creative, more resourceful, and can even lead to some great memories. Buisness recession has taught us, it’s that no job, no home equity, no investment, is guaranteed anyway.

Do remember, infancy and young childhood don’t last forever, and with support and high expectations, the young couple will have just as good a chance of going on to build successful careers and lives as the ones who wait.

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