WomenFitness India

Sunaina Rekhi Message On International Yoga Day ‘ 21, Parenting & Diets!

Namita Nayyar:

What is your daily fitness routine? How do you kick start your day?

Sunaina Rekhi:

When I wake up in the morning, I need to quickly connect with my breath and with the new mental state to make universal energy manifest through me. I make gentle unblocking movements, visualise my day and use external and internal cleansing methods such as moving my abdomen in circles, cleaning my nostrils with salt water, oul pulling, drinking flavoured waters like Turmeric, cumin, fennel. All of this really helps my mind and body to come in a state of detox.

Then I move on to a combination of asanas, breathing exercises, and meditation. The idea is to internalize and connect with the self. The practice really helps to charge me with energy, direct my senses inward, appease my thoughts and meditate on the individual or absolute self.

sunaina rekhi

Namita Nayyar:

Share 5 Yoga asanas you follow on daily basis?

Sunaina Rekhi:

There is a saying that you are only as young as your spine is flexible. For me personally, I do these 5 asanas every day to keep my spine as strong, flexible, and healthy as possible!

There are 5 major movements that the spine makes:

  • Flexion rounds the spine forward- Childs Pose or Cat Pose
  • Extension rounds the spine back- Cobra Pose or Cow Pose
  • Rotation twists the spine- Simple Seated Twist or Ardha Matsyandrasan
  • Side bending/Lateral flexion of the spine- Standing Side Bend or Triangle Pose
  • Axial extension decompresses and vertically elongates the spine- Upward Salute Pose or Downward Facing Down Pose

My five yoga asanas would be the ones where I can usually practice all of these five movements!! ahave given you 10 poses here so you can alternate:)

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