The Sun is the most visible representation of the deity, the veritable “Face of the Divine” as the ancient Vedas eloquently state. The Sun is no mere luminous material globe or light in the outer sense, but the source of life, intelligence, love, and consciousness: light in the inner sense. Throughout the ancient world, continuing in some areas down to the present day, we find a worship of the Sun as part of a greater religion or spiritual path of light, enlightenment, and Self-realization.

Understanding Sun Yoga
As we embark on our meditation journey, we direct our gaze towards the Sun, engaging our third eye. Our eyes remain wide open to absorb the Sun’s brilliance, yet angled maximum upwards to prevent direct rays into the eyes. Ultimately, the Sun will not be visible with our physical eyes. All the time, it is crucial that we intend to create and feel friendship with the Sun and free our minds from all expectations. Thus avoid getting distracted by our thoughts and instead surrender and fully immerse ourselves in the experience.
Three key ingredients for mental preparation are obligatory in :
- Do not look directly at the Sun. The eyes should be fully open, but the head needs to be tilted down, so we are looking through the third eye (Ajna Chakra) at the Sun.
- Create friendship with the Sun. It is an inner feeling of unconditional friendship. Not easy to explain in words. That’s why to establish this on a deeper level, our courses are so indispensable.
- Remove all expectations and judgments. We are searching to surrender until it is complete. Also, this is not easy to explain in words and is best learned in our practical courses.
- Beginners should look at the rising sun early in the morning. Start between the first and second hours after sunrise. You can also look at the setting sun, but it is not as at sunrise because the energy decreases.
- If you feel any trouble gazing at the sun, remember to focus your gaze a short distance above the sun. Try not to blink, but if you feel discomfort, blink several times and then start again. If you do this three or four times, your resistance power will increase and it will be easy to look at the sun. Then, we can gradually increase the time we gaze at the sun.
Access the power of the Sun: Follow these Steps

Perform the Sun Salutation particularly in the morning to the Sun, preferably honoring the different names of the Sun.
- Practice Prana Yoga or Pranayama, including alternate nostril breathing and honoring Prana as the inner Sun in the heart.
- Practice Solar or light-based mantras, like Hrim, Gayatri, or the Hamsa Mantra.
- Use the sunlight to energize the water and the herbal beverages.
- Visualize God or the guru or whatever you are most devoted to as dwelling in the Sun of your own heart.
- Practice Self-inquiry or meditation upon the source of all light as the Self or pure I, the spiritual Sun within the heart.
The simplest thing to do is to greet the sun every day with the astrological mantra:
Om Sum Suryaya Namah!