WomenFitness India

Smokeless Tobacco (SLT) Use in Indian Women: Time to Overcome

Smokeless Tobacco

According to WHO estimates tobacco use causes nearly 6 million premature death annually and if the current rate of tobacco use continues, it will cause more than 8 million death per year by 2030.

With the increasing prevalence of addiction of pan, gutka, betal nut, Naswar and smoking amongst females, there arises a need to spread awareness among women of the hazards & ways to overcome their intake.

Chewing betel leaves with other ingredients is traditional considered a mouth-freshener. Betel nut has been declared as a group I carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) since 1985 and all the other constituents are also harmful to the human body. Pan masala is nothing but a mixture of betel nut (supari), lime, catechu (kattha) with various flavouring agents it is being consumed by millions all over India. Availability in attractive and easy to carry sachets costing just 1-2 rupees has made it hugely popular.

Gutka contituents are betel nut, catechu, paraffin wax slaked lime, areca nuts and tobacco. To provide it unique taste and tingling sensation in mouth thousands of other chemicals are used with these ingredients. Easy availability and low cost of SLT are key factors promoting SLT use by women. One factor influencing SLT use among disadvantaged women is the desire to suppress hunger.

Many smokeless tobacco  users have quit successfully, and so can you. Your family doctor can help you quit.

Tips to Help You Quit

Smokeless Tobacco

The use of  betel nut, gutka, tobacco etc. increases the risk of developing a number of health problems and even potentially fatal conditions. Sooner you quit, better the rewards.

  1. Make a list
    Pen down the reasons why You want to quit. For example, quitting prevents possible health effects. It saves you money. It helps you set a good example for family and friends. Keep your personal list where you can see it each day. It will serve to motivate you along the way.
  2. Mark the calendar
    Choose a date 2 to 4 weeks from today. Quitting can be tough, so map out a plan that works for you. To begin with, identify the times and places you normally use smokeless tobacco. Then, plan to avoid these situations or have tobacco substitutes with you. Get rid of all your smokeless tobacco products in your home & place of work.
  3. Get support
    Seek family, friends, and doctor support. Ask your doctor to recommend a support group that can help you quit.

 Seeking Support

Smokeless Tobacco

If you still feel a need to consume or have withdrawl symptoms talk to your doctor about whether nicotine gum or another nicotine replacement product like, using a nicotine patch or gum. Tell your doctor about other health conditions you have.

What’s important is that you find a healthy substitute that you enjoy. You can use an oral substitute. Examples include sugarless gum, hard candy, or sunflower seeds.

You should quit using all tobacco products.


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