WomenFitness India

“Every class feels like a party!” Says Zumba Trainer Shweta Kulkarni

ZES Shweta Kulkarni is a Zumba Education Specialist and a master trainer for India. Being an architect by profession, she decided to pursue her career as a Zumba Instructor in 2011 and as a Zumba Education specialist since 2015. Shweta has trained over 1200 licensed zumba instructors till date. She is also India’s only Toning ZES and teaches regular zumba fitness and toning classes in Pune.

shweta kulkarni

Check out Shweta Kulkarni in conversation with WF President, Ms. Namita Nayyar on her being a Zumba Instructor, her diet & fitness routine.

Namita Nayyar:

Being an architect by profession, you decided to pursue a career as a Zumba Instructor in 2011.You have been a ZIN™ Member since Jun 2011 and love teaching Zumba classes. When was the first time you realized the need for fitness in your life.

Shweta Kulkarni:

I have been a fitness lover since childhood. I have been practicing fitness either through dancing or aerobics or my favourite is going for long outdoor runs. But the true necessity for fitness I felt was in 2006 when I delivered my kid and I had gained 30kgs extra. Post delivery, I went into depression and I would say it was my lowest energetic time of life because I couldn’t face my body in the mirror. The only thing that kept me going was my beautiful baby girl. Then I started finding out different ways to lose these extra 30kgs and finally I found out something which is fun and gives fat loss @100%. That’s when I discovered Zumba(R) fitness in 2008 in the USA. Within 1 year I lost 22 kgs and I was getting back to my original shape.

Namita Nayyar:

You are licensed to teach Zumba, Zumba® Toning, Aqua Zumba®, Zumba Gold®, Zumba® Kids & Kids Jr., Zumba® Step. You have trained 1200 licensed Zumba instructors till date. What fascinates you most about Zumba and according to you is it helpful for all irrespective of age & health status? How?

Shweta Kulkarni:

I think Zumba(R) is the perfect blend of positive energy, happiness and fitness which fascinates me as an individual. I truly love teaching and delivering Zumba(R) classes to fellow individuals and pass on my positive energy and happiness. Zumba(R) is for everybody and every body. Zumba(R) supports all three components of fitness viz. cardiovascular, muscular endurance and flexibility. Body types in every age group and health statuses have different demands and all these 3 components are an integral part to satisfy these demands. I have personally seen people of different age groups and health statuses get their desired results through Zumba(R) if done consistently.

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