WomenFitness India

Shirley Setia On Being The Social Media Sensation

Ms.Namita Nayyar:

You are an inspiration for many young aspiring singers, motivation quote you live by

Ms.Shirley Setia:

 That’s very sweet, thank you so much. It means a lot when people tell me they’re inspired by my work and it’s extremely sweet. I feel like I am still learning and I feel like I have just begun and to be able to have that kind of an impact on anyone, even if it’s one person. If I’m making a person smile, I feel that satisfaction from my job.

One thing that I have lived by and I still do and I remind myself of till this day is to just go with the flow. Sometimes we do have a lot of things planned, everybody had a lot of things planned for 2020 but everyone’s plans are all over the place and everything has been stopped because of this pandemic. You just have to learn to go with the flow and as and when anything happens it’ll all be for the good.

This time that we’re getting now is also important for us to self reflect, to spend that time with family, whenever or however it’s possible. It is also extremely to just improve our way of life as well. Just going with the flow has been the quote that I live by. 

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Ms.Namita Nayyar

5 foods you love to eat.

Ms.Shirley Setia:

I love biryani, pizza, sushi, street food like Pani puri and bhindi.

Ms Namita Nayyar:

Women Fitness turns 21 years old this August please share a message for our subscribers/readers.

Ms.Shirley Setia:

Congratulations on this milestone achievement! 21 years is a long time. The message I’d like to pass on is that this is the time for everyone to concentrate on their mental health. The world around us seems like a really bleak place right now and that takes a toll on all of us, we all feel lost and dispirited and a little hopeless. That’s a natural reaction, don’t be so hard on yourself. I’d encourage you all to think positively and realise that there are brighter days ahead. Every cloud has a silver lining and the fact that you’re healthy and happy is something to celebrate. I’d also encourage people to be cautious and stay home. As individuals, there isn’t much we can do to stop the virus, except stay home and I encourage you all to do that. We’ll fight this together and come out stronger!

Ms Namita Nayyar:

How did you celebrate your birthday this year, looking at the present health scenario?

Ms.Shirley Setia:

My birthday this year was lowkey, because of our current situation. My friends organised a birthday video call at midnight and that’s how I brought in my day. This lockdown has made me really appreciative of the smaller things in life and getting to celebrate my birthday with my loved ones is definitely something I will cherish always.

Ms.Namita Nayyar:

Skin & Hair routine you follow to look the best?

Ms.Shirley Setia:

For my skin routine, I have a pretty straightforward one which I follow. Every time I’m wearing makeup, I make sure that I remove everything before I go to sleep and I use a cleanser and toner, I’ll use serum too if it’s available. I end my routine with moisturizing.

I have a very straightforward regime that I always follow and I feel like I’ve learned to stay and stick with products that I know don’t break me out. My skin changes with climate and it does react to the air quality but as long as I stick to my regime my skin stays as clear as possible.

As far as hair is concerned, I try to oil my hair whenever possible, my mum tells me to keep oiling it. I don’t oil it as much as I should. I just use a good shampoo and conditioner and wash it every 3 days, whenever my hair or scalp starts feeling a little oily, I’ll wash my hair.

Follow Shirley Setia’s Journey:

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President womenfitness.org and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

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