WomenFitness India

Shibani Bedi On Redefining Fitness & Content Creation.

Namita Nayyar:

What was the toughest thing you faced as a content creator when you were starting out?

shibani bedi

Shibani Bedi

I think the toughest thing I faced as a content creator was to give out content regularly and not to take the hate to heart. Creating new ideas, brainstorming, and thinking about what my audience will like and will relate to, I think that is the toughest part. Besides that, I feel initially when I used to get negative comments and trolling I used to take it too personally but since you are on a public platform you have to deal with it and not feel it too personally because for every hate comment you receive there are ten or more supporters so I started to look at the positive side.

Namita Nayyar:

As one of the most loved influencers what is good and bad or being a public face?

Shibani Bedi

The good side is definitely the recognition that you get and also the love from your followers when you receive messages of people sharing their stories of how they are battling depression or anxiety and they feel good after seeing our videos, I think that is the best part.

The downside can be a lot of people think that content creation is a very low-effort job and an escape from the job world where you get to be your own boss and stuff this might be true that you get to work on your own terms but at the same time it’s not a secured job since a lot of engagement depends on social media algorithms which are ever-changing, so besides your own shortcomings a creator is dependent on the algorithms also most of the times the creator is the only person showing up every day in front of the camera and working it out in order to make sure the content they put out is relatable.

The other downside is that sometimes people forget that we too are humans and have a life of our own so the end to your own privacy is something which one takes time to adjust.

Namita Nayyar

Women Fitness India talks about celebrity diets and fitness regimes, do you follow any special diet? What is your favorite cheat meal?

Shibani Bedi

I do follow a strict diet since I have PCOD and hormonal imbalance, over time I have understood myself and what suits me I Follow a high protein diet, with low carbohydrates, and generally try to inculcate a balance of fat and proteins in my diet with low level of carbohydrates, since that works best for me. Also, I don’t approach food with guilt that has been the biggest change I have tried to inculcate over time if I feel like I maintain a strict diet routine around six days a week then I try to cheat on the weekend. My favorite cheat meal is chocolates, cake, and halwa anything that is with sugar, and a dessert I like having it. But even when I am on a diet and I have a craving I don’t starve myself I would have it if I felt like it.

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