Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Who did you consider the fittest in the Bigg Boss house among the ladies?
Ms. Shefali Jariwala:
In the Bigg boss house, I don’t want to sound prudent, but I think I was the fittest lady in the house. I have a lot of endurance power and I’m extremely strong. I do have a lot of strength and always I was the only one in the house that used to really watch my diet and try and get an exercise every day. So, yeah, I was, the fittest lady in the house.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Besides being fit, you have flawless skin, share any top 5 skincare regime you follow?
Ms. Shefali Jariwala:
As far as skin is concerned, I must tell you that you are what you eat. You know the condition the state of the stomach really shows onto your skin. So if you’re eating clean, if you’re drinking a lot of water, your skin will always be great. I’m not blessed with the best skin. I do have, you know, normal to oily skin and walking out in the sun a lot, I get burned very easily.
So but I follow very simple skincare. I try and use organic products as much as possible. Nothing fancy. To be very honest, some of my scrubs are made at home. Face packs are made at home. So yeah, it’s important to, you know, exfoliate your skin regularly. That’s very important. And I use a lot of vitamin c-based products to keep the skin healthy. I drink a lot of water.
Eat healthy food. Exercise, yoga. I think everything in combination contributes to great skin. It is not one thing in particular, but I do have a skin doctor that I go to for regular treatments, for regular chemical peels, and there are times that I break out into pimples as well. So you don’t. That’s the time I go down on my oily food consumption and I know that the body’s in stress, so I try and get adequate sleep.
These are the things that you really need to do for a great skin. And it’s not just one thing. It’s a lot of things in combination workouts, yoga, exercise and healthy eating. Lot of water and quality skincare products. I like the organic ones.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What are your upcoming future projects and plans?
Ms. Shefali Jariwala:
As far as our upcoming projects are concerned, to be very honest with you, all my shows, all the way up to the month of June, are indefinitely postponed due to the corona virus outbreak. I was in talk you know, with one leading channel for a very wonderful show. I was looking forward to. But I guess that has also got postponed. I had signed up about two web series post my Bigg boss, but that has also got postponed.
So upcoming projects. There’s nothing that I’ve already shot for that you will be seeing very soon, but I’m hoping things will normalize soon and we’ll all get back to work. And once things are more concrete, I can announce my projects.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have a huge following of 1.3m Followers on your Instagram handle @shefalijariwala, one message for your fans who aim at making it to the industry?
Ms. Shefali Jariwala:
The message I’d like to give to my fans on how to break into the industry is that, you know, everybody will talk about hard work and dedication and working on yourself. But I also believe you need to be at the right place at the right time. So luck coupled with hard work, is a great recipe for success in this industry. You’ve got to keep working hard. Artist life is not easy at all. We don’t have weekends off.
It’s an ongoing process. And you learn and you evolve. You know, as you’re working, as you grow. I never had I’d never learn dancing in my life. I was not a trained dancer when I got Kanta Laga I worked hard and, you know, and that’s why I looked great even today. I’ve never taken there’s not a single day in my life that I have taken anything very lightly, you know, anything whether it is a stage show or are acting or anything that I do, I give it my best.
It’s very exhausting. But then that’s what you got to do. But have the faith and not to give up is the mantra you need to keep going on and on the right things will happen. Get your right break and you will get good in the industry. You know, if you’re intent is right, all the other people out there who always supported me and loved me and encouraged me. I’m truly, truly grateful for your support.
And I just hope you continue to give me all the love in the future. And I can continue to entertain you just like I have in the past. I thank you so much. And I really appreciate all the love and support that has come my way. So thank you once again.
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This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President womenfitness.org and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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