WomenFitness India

Rina Hindocha On Yoga & Beyond

rina hindocha

Namita Nayyar:

Diet is an essential part of a fitness routine. Share input about the diet you follow. Foods you like to include & foods that you like to keep to a minimum.

Rina Hindocha:

Eating healthy. Yoga is physically demanding so you need to eat in a way that energizes you.

Being a vegetarian since birth helped.

You definitely want to stay away from processed and refined food. Yoga does not impose any dietary restrictions. On the other hand, yoga makes you healthy and this should naturally lead you to a proper diet.

Avoided highly processed and fast foods stayed away from excess sugar and focused on a healthy diet of wholesome fresh foods. Increased my consumption of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Stayed hydrated.

Namita Nayyar:

According to you, what does meditation mean? Do people find it challenging to practice in today’s stress routine? 5 steps to make meditation a part of your life?

Rina Hindocha:

Meditation is a mental exercise that involves relaxation, focus, and awareness. Meditation is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body.

  • Meditation is the easiest thing to do in this existence.
  • You just have to sit. Simply sit. Do nothing at all.

In today’s times, we are finding it difficult to meditate because our mind constantly wants us to do something or the other the time. We are addicted to gadgets.

So your mind is always running to do something by itself

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, and not allowing things to happen by themselves.

5 steps toward Meditation: 

1. Take some time out to connect with yourself.

Turn off your phone, computer, and TV, and allow yourself time to just be. This could be going for a long walk in solitude, sitting outside, taking a long relaxing bath, or resting silently in your favorite chair. It doesn’t matter how you do this. The important part is to take time to disconnect from all the busyness, stress, and distraction of your everyday life.

2. Take some deep breaths and quiet your mind.

Allow your thoughts to float on like clouds. If there are any thoughts that come up that seem important, write them down and then continue to let them float away. You can address them later. Just a few minutes to calm and quiet can shift your entire day.

3. Simply sit and observe

Then, just sit back and observe the inner dialogue playing in your mind. Let them float by. What are you thinking? What are you feeling? Just observe; don’t engage.

Many people probably think that in meditation, they have to force themselves not to think and block out all their mental thoughts. It is really quite the opposite. You let your mind continue to think, but you don’t engage.

4. Meditate for as long as you want, till you feel cleansed, purified, refreshed, and good to go. I recommend 5 minutes to start off. If you want to meditate longer, that’s even better.

5. Ending Your Meditation

When you are done with your meditation, slowly ease into the physical state. Start off by being present of the physical reality around you. Next, be aware of your physical body. This can take 15~30 seconds, or however long you need to do this step. Then, very slowly, open your eyes. Get attuned to your surroundings.

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