Namita Nayyar:
In 2020, you have been listed as the ‘Most Desirable Woman On Television’. Congratulations! According to you what makes a person desirable? Tips to achieve success in one’s career?
Ramya Pandian:
According to me what makes a person desirable is the virtue of honesty – with themselves. Not only does it make a person desirable, but this trait also contributes to a person’s success too. When you’re true to yourself, you’re true to your thoughts, your actions, your ambitions, and the path that you choose.
Namita Nayyar:
Actresses follow a specific diet to look their best. Any specific diet or diet pattern you follow? 5 foods you keep to a minimum.
Ramya Pandian:
I have my dietician … she gives diet chart on regular intervals… to follow a balanced and nutritious diet

Namita Nayyar:
Fitness routine do you stick by while traveling? 3 Mental health tips?
Ramya Pandian:
Whenever I’m traveling, I always carry my shoes and my yoga mat. You don’t necessarily need anything fancy with respect to equipment or facilities – you could practice yoga in your room or you could just go for a walk/jog for a minimum of half an hour to one hour. It’s about consistency in your routine.
3 Mental Health Tips by Ramya
- There’s a lot or pressure around us, it could be because of multiple reasons. So, it’s important to stay calm and level headed to better handle the way in which we approach things.
- It’s important to have a circle of trust – it could be your friends or family – who you can open up to without the fear of being judged.
- The most important factor is self-love. So, take time for yourself. It helps in staying positive and most importantly happy.

Namita Nayyar:
Skin & Haircare tips you follow to look your best?
Ramya Pandian:
Leave your skin to breathe.
Remember moisturizer and sunscreen is a must.
Haircare – well, I just use a shampoo and conditioner. That’s pretty much it.
Namita Nayyar:
A message for WF followers & your fans? Motivational quote you live by?
Ramya Pandian:
Spend time on yourself, introspect, and focus on yourself rather than others. Only then will you have clarity in setting goals for yourself and marching forward.
I truly believe that thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts transform into actions. So, it’s important to channelize your thoughts.
Namita Nayyar:
Message for 2022
Ramya Pandian:
New Year – It’s a chance at a new beginning – to turn over a fresh leaf. If whatever’s happened in the last year didn’t go as expected, don’t lose hope and keep going. Keep ongoing. Happy New Year!
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