Are you suffering from knee pain, hip pain, or finding it difficult to walk and move around? Try this therapeutic exercise to improve your strength and overall functional mobility.
SAQ stands for the Short Arc Quad exercise. The exercise is an easy to do, and is helpful for anyone experiencing quadriceps weakness or dysfunction to perform it.

How To Do the Short Arc Quad Exercise
Follow these simple directions:
- Lie on your back with your knees out straight.
- Place a bolster under the knee of the quad you wish to strengthen. You can even use a coffee can or basketball as a bolster.
- Slowly straighten your knee until your leg is fully straightened. Maintain contact with the bolster at all times during the exercise.
- Tighten your quad muscle as your knee straightens. You should try to straighten your knee out all the way.
- Hold the straight knee position for three to five seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise for 10 to 15 repetitions.
Performing two to three sets of the SAQ is recommended to maximize the challenge to your quads. You can increase the intensity of the exercise by placing a one to three-pound cuff weight on your ankle when performing the short arc quad.
Note: Always consult your doctor or physical therapist to ensure that it is safe for you to do for your specific condition. Stop the exercise if it causes increased knee pain or discomfort.