By Dr. Siddhant Bhargava
Co-Founder, Fitness & Nutritional Scientist – Food Darzee
Regardless of whether you wish to condense a couple of undesirable pounds or simply maintain a good physical weight, ingesting a well-balanced and appropriate portion is as important as consuming the right kinds of foods. Serving sizes and portions are frequently utilized reciprocally, however, there is a noteworthy contrast that can’t be missed. A portion is the total number of edibles that you devour in one sitting while serving size is the suggested amount of one specific kind of food. For e.g., three ounces of chicken is termed as serving while the amount of chicken you consume for dinner is termed as a portion. Keeping a tap on the serving sizes significantly helps with regulating your portion & at the same time controlling them.

Imagine this situation: You are out for dinner and you are trying to settle for a healthy choice. You advantageously choose to give a miss to those greasy burgers and the creamy and cheesy Alfredo and rather request for a simmered chicken, presented with veggies and sweet potatoes. As your meal has been delivered to you, you get to visualize a plate which is the size of your head – full with a mountain of starch, massive amount of protein, and some veggies packed in sauces. Regardless of whether you were anticipating it or not, this is your portion.
So… Why is keeping control over the portions we ingest so significantly?
You may very well know the answer to that question if you have ever experienced something like the above-mentioned scenario. Typically, when we have an unrestricted portion, we have an uncontrolled number of calories reachable to us, which can be hazardous. It is a known fact that larger plates of edibles can lead to us consuming up to forty-five percent more than what our ordinary utilization would have been. That is an excessive amount of admission. Portion control is crucial because it permits you to keep a stringent check on how many numbers of calories you are apparently taking in. This implies ingesting just what your body requires rather than pointlessly indulging!
Benefits of portion control for a healthy life
Assimilation Enhancement: Potion control can significantly help in improving your procedure of digestion by not stuffing it with lots of meals. Consuming apportioned meal will give alleviation from stomach agony and spasms and lessen weight increase. Not only will the portions become fewer, but also your digestive system will function in a better way.

Drop in Binge Eating: Unnecessary gorging on food prompts overindulging in most cases. By having portioned meals, you make your abdomen smaller, which assists you to diminish the need for food. This will slowly eradicate your binge eating routine if you have it.
Gets an equalization in the level of glucose: Regular gorging may cause a grave misbalance in the level of blood sugar in the body. The more you devour, the more glucose your body will get. This causes an unnatural level jump and in due course, you end up getting hypoglycaemia, diabetes, and so forth.
Weight Reduction: When your ultimate objective is weight reduction, your priority list should be making your food helpings lesser. A suitable amount of healthy food will offer your body with all the vital elements without going beyond your daily calorie essential. Once your body gets habituated to a well-nourished and healthy diet full of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats you will not feel ravenous and your hankering for junk food will drop down consequently.
Increasing Your Satiety: Strangely enough, less ingestion makes you feel full sooner. At the point when your tummy shrivels you tend to make portion control an everyday practice, the feeling of satiety comes quickly after you start consumption. Thus, you forestall overheating, enabling your caloric levels to be inside the standard.

Guidelines to an Effective Portion Control
- Portion Your Food: You should attempt to quantify each item you take into your cooking to clearly understand how much you eat. This will offer you complete authority over your bits, thus averting you from gorging.
- Serve meals independently: You should dependably attempt to serve food independently for everybody regardless of whether you are facilitating a family. This will consequently diminish your craving to take more edibles from a family-style plate and will aid you to keep your food portions under check.
- You must quantify oil prior to putting it in a dish: Fats are a requisite for your eating regimen, however devouring excessively of them may prompt undesirable weight gain. Gauging the oil before putting it in any dish will deflect you from an admission of an excess of fat.
- Add a lot of vegetables: Eating fresh salad prior to consuming the main course will enable you to have food in a far less quantity, improving your portion control. Likewise, including fresh vegetables in your sandwiches will satiate you faster without the intake of too many calories.
- Be heedful of your portions while you eat out: Restaurants may serve portions that might be too big to fit into your healthy diet. It is advisable for you to request for a half portion wherever feasible or share food with your friend to reduce your servings.
Binging and overloading yourself is an exceptionally regular propensity in current times. There is a multitude of motivations & reasons to why we may be ingesting more then we require. Nonetheless, doing it on a frequently may lead to severe health issues, from putting on undesirable weight to falling prey to lifestyle diseases like diabetes. Thus, portion control should be of top priority when you are looking to lead a healthy way of life.