Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is an endocrine disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It has been notified that women with PCOS have higher levels of male hormones called androgens and elevated levels of insulin, a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar.
Here are some common myths that surround PCOS, it’s time to break them,
1. PCOS is usually found in overweight and obese woman
PCOS does not discriminate and can affect women of all shapes and sizes. Lean PCOS women are not common, but they do exist. The risk of using weight as a gauge is twofold: Thin women might commonly be overlooked, and an obese woman with irregular periods might be inaccurately diagnosed with PCOS.
2. Woman with PCOS cannot conceive
PCOS is a result of the hormonal problem which affects the ovary’s ability to release an egg to be potentially fertilized for pregnancy. But relax, you can still get pregnant, both naturally and after fertility treatments such as follicle-stimulating drugs. The doctors are not always well-educated about PCOS and may try to treat each symptom separately instead of looking for the root cause, so it is important to get to the heart of your symptoms and persist in the care you deserve.
3. PCOS is a Rare Condition
It is estimated that up to 20 per cent of women of childbearing age are affected by this condition. One in every 10 women in India has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common endocrinal system disorder among women of reproductive age, according to a study by PCOS Society.

4. Menstrual Cycle Irregularity is a Sign of PCOS
There are so many causes of an irregular cycle, PCOS is just one of them. Other causes can be, breastfeeding, extreme dieting or over exercising, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, and thyroid disorders, Stress etc. To confirm, if your cycle is less than 22 days or greater than 34 days long, talk to your ob-gyn.
5. Woman with PCOS Should Go on the Birth Control Pill
The pill simple acts like a Band-Aid to masks symptoms, so one should opt to address their hormonal health more holistically with lifestyle measures, like reducing stress and eating an anti-inflammatory diet.
6.You Can Easily Identify PCOS

Similar symptoms like acne, mood swings, and irregular periods, can be easily chalked out with other causes, like stress. Besides, PCOS isn’t always symptomatic. Not every doctor is well informed about the syndrome. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s best to work with both an ob-gyn and endocrinologist to get to the root cause.
7. Every Woman with PCOS Faces Abnormal Hair Growth
One common symptom of PCOS is hirsutism, which is abnormal hair growth in women. Because of excess androgen production, women with PCOS can sprout unwanted hair on their upper lip, chin, or chest. But not every woman will have this symptom.
While there may be no magic pill that will make PCOS go away, there are many options to take it under your control.
Take the healing into your hands.