By Praveen & Maheek Nair
Barbell is known as the longer version of dumbbell. It is a type of workout in which a long bar with weights attached to both sides of the barbell. 2o kgs is the standard weight of the barbell for men & for women the standard weight is 15kgs.

Barbell is used for doing exercises: weight training, squats, powerlifting, bench-press, overhead press, deadlift, bicep curls etc.
Landmine Front Squat to One-Arm Push Press
It works on: – Shoulders, Biceps, Core, Glutes, Quads.
Stand holding one finish of exercising weight in paw with opposite finish in booby trap attachment or secured on floor. Squat down, keeping exercising weight, finishing in paw with right elbow on the brink of the body. Keep weight over heels and thighs parallel to the floor or simply below. Keep the body part as upright as potential.
Pushing through heels, get up in one explosive movement. As you return up, extend your right arm, pressing weight toward the ceiling. Keep abs tight, and hips and shoulders square. Lower back to squat and repeat for 12–15 reps.
Single-Leg Deadlift
It works on: – Core, Glutes, Hamstrings.
Stand tall holding weight before of thighs in associate degree overhand grip, feet hip-distance apart, shoulders ironed down, elevated left foot off the ground, equalisation on right leg.
Hinge forward, lowering bar to floor as you elevate left leg behind you. Keep the bar directly below shoulders and shut to shins throughout the downward phase; keep each hip facing forward. Push through the right leg to face copy to begin and repeat for 12 –15 reps switch sides.
Single-Arm Landmine Row
It works on: – Shoulders, Upper Back.
Stand with one finish of weight in ground-emplaced mine attachment or secured on floor; hold opposite finish. An overhand grip with the body facing the bar. Hinge forward from hips, lowering weight toward the ground ahead of shins. Keep back flat and head in line with your spine.
From this position, pull the bar toward the body part with the right arm, keeping the right elbow on the brink of the body. Hold for one count, then slowly lower the bar toward the floor. Repeat for 12–15 reps; switch sides.
Barbell Rollout

It works on: – Core.
Kneel on the ground a few feet behind a weight set with weight plates. (Place a pad beneath your knees if necessary, for comfort.) Place hands on the bar wider than shoulder distance. Slowly roll the bar forward on the ground, keeping shoulders down and abs tight. Continue till the body is totally extended or as much as you’ll be able to while not losing management. Slowly roll the bar back to the beginning position and repeat. Do 12–15 reps.
Benefits of Barbell Lifting
Help in growing muscle mass
Lifting a barbell helps in growing mass, over a time of period women can realise their muscle growth. By increasing the number of reps or sets with speed, women can feel how strength & sense of strongness they have. Growing muscles can help in increasing metabolism & makes it easy to burn calories faster.
Makes stronger bones & connecting tissues
Lifting a barbell not only develops muscle size but also increases the strength of bones & also helps in improving balance of connecting tissues & its strength as well.
Maintaining mental state & energy level
Barbell lifting not only helps in becoming physically stronger but it also helps in improving the mental state of women & also improves the energy of the women.
Reduce risks of disease & illness
Increase in bone & muscle density can help to prevent & improves symptoms of osteoporosis by 40%.
Sense of achievement
Barbell lifting helps women in tracking the progress of muscles & bones. It gives them the sense of achievement.