WomenFitness India

Peanuts – How Can It Benefit Your Health?

By Mr. Luke Coutinho,

Integrative & Lifestyle Medicine, Holistic Nutrition & Founder – Purenutrition.me.


If you’re nuts about peanuts, then you’re in luck. These tasty legumes are a great source of protein, vitamin and good fat; my favourite part is that they are incredibly versatile too! Consume them raw, roasted, or boiled, you can even throw them in with other nuts and seeds to create healthy trail mixes. Churn them into a butter and they make for perfect additions to smoothies and even deserts. 

Are peanuts a healthy snack?

Snacking, contrary to popular belief, can certainly have its place in any healthy diet. A healthy snack here and there will help curb your appetite and keep those cravings at bay. However, many snacks are just empty having no nutritional value at all. However peanuts are loaded with macro nutrients that are helpful for your body and definitely have a place in your diet.

Healthy fats, dietary fiber and a good dose of protein definitely make peanuts a body-friendly snack. If you’re dieting, you may shy away from eating many, but as long as you’re controlling portions, peanuts can benefit your body no matter your physical goals.

Are Peanuts Really Good For Your Health?

1. Peanuts May Help Prevent Diabetes

As we all know the most common form of diabetes in adults in type 2, which is characterized by poor insulin sensitivity or low secretion. The way peanuts help is via a few things; such as their relatively low carbohydrate and sugar content, but also due to the presence of manganese. 


2. Peanuts Boost Memory

You’ve undoubtedly heard that elephants never forget, and that they also love peanuts, right? Well even though this tends to appear in fairy tales as compared to real life, there is truth to the peanut part. They do boost memory. This is believed to be due to the presence of niacin and the anti-oxidant resveratrol, which improves blood flow to the brain and also possesses strong anti-oxidant abilities.

3. Peanuts Help Prevent Depression

Did you know peanuts help prevent depression to a great extent? The amino acid tryptophan present in peanuts is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin. Serotonin helps in promotion of a positive mood, many prescription strength medications work by a similar mechanism to increase serotonin accumulation.

4. Can Help With Weight Loss

Though peanuts themselves are loaded with calories, the good news is that eating a moderate amount is not bad, and may actually promote weight loss. They are loaded with protein and fiber. Both of these nutrients have appetite suppressing effects, so having a few nuts in between meals can actually fill your sweet tooth and kill any other cravings you may be having. 

weight loss

5. Helps Promote Healthy Skin

They are rich in vitamin E and various B vitamins, which help to preserve skin health. Plus, the fat content in them help skin cells to strengthen their cell membranes- the barrier that prevents excessive water loss. Instead of opting for that expensive moisturizer, try a handful of nuts. You will be getting far more bang for your buck.

So, the next time you feel like binge eating a snack, grab a bowl of peanuts and hit go! But remember to binge responsibly!

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