Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Do you have rest days, how do you spend them? Also, what are your hobbies?
Ms. Noa Eappen – I usually rest 2 days a week, but I do cardio on those days. Most of the time I am exhausted so I like to vegetate and be at home. I like to chat with my friends on the phone, cause I don’t always have the energy to go out. I love to watch TV shows and listen to music. My hobbies include singing and playing the guitar. I really like to spend time with my family, so sometimes I go over to my grandparents’ place and hang with my extended family which is pretty big and a lot of fun.
Ms. Kasha Sachdev – I do have one or two rest days every week, which I like to spend keeping up with school work and studying, listening to music, reading, and hanging out with my friends. I really enjoy crocheting and gardening too, especially while simultaneously watching a few episodes of my favorite shows!
Ms. Namita Nayyar
How do you balance your education with sports?
Ms. Noa Eappen – It’s hard. It takes a lot out of me, but I’m beginning to get the hang of it. As they say, practice makes perfect, so I keep trying to understand and improvise as I go along.
Ms. Kasha Sachdev – To be quite honest, I struggle on and off with balancing school and powerlifting. Being in the ninth grade, and preparing for the IGCSE examination, I have a multitude of tasks and studying to do, which takes plenty of time. What I do right now, having to juggle my sport and school, is taking it a day at a time; I complete assignments as they come, and go into the gym with a fresh mind and attitude, which seems to be working great for me.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Message for other girls and females pursuing sports?
Ms. Noa Eappen – Don’t let conventional thought or self-doubt stop you from pursuing what you want. I’m perusing a sport that is highly male-dominated and not something most girls take up, but that makes it even more rewarding. If you believe you can do it, you can.
Ms. Kasha Sachdev – To all the women out there, you possess more power than you know, the power that can be directed towards anything you put your mind towards, whether that be sports or anything else. In a world where you may be told that your place is the sidelines or footnote, you have the chance to take things into your hands and push on hard at your passion, and make a change in your own life and perhaps even other young women.
Social Media Handles:
Noa Eappen:https://www.instagram.com/noacanlift/
Kasha Sachdev: https://www.instagram.com/kasha_nia_sachdev/
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of Women Fitness