WomenFitness India

Niki Mehra On Fashion Trends For 2021

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

As a fashion influencer, what are we going to see in the year 2021 coming to dominant colour & clothing

Ms.Niki Mehra:

 I think 2021 is going to be all things OTT in terms of clothing. People have had a lot of time to reinvent their fashion taste and I think it’s going to show. In terms of colour, I am always drawn to neutrals and pastels, so we’ll have to see if 2021 agrees.

niki mehra

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Women Fitness India talks about women health and celebrity diets. Share input on your diet, Your favorite cuisines, foods you avoid

Ms. Niki Mehra:

I am a big advocate for listening to your body and being gentle with it because it responds. I am a big foodie so I eat clean but I don’t starve myself and I definitely treat my body to some cheat meals. My general diet is high on protein and low on carbs but my cheats involve some of my favourite Chinese and Indian dishes. In terms of foods I avoid, I have cut down on my intake of sugar in every form

niki mehra

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Fashion Influencers promote a lot of Skincare and makeup brands, share 5 favorite organic remedies for skincare that you swear by

Ms. Niki Mehra:

I have suffered from acne most of my adult life and luckily now each day, I am a step closer to clearer, glowing skin. I always tell my viewers, with skincare less is always more. Aloe vera, honey, turmeric, lemon, and ice are the home ingredients I can swear by.

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