WomenFitness India

Naina More on “Mental Fitness” & More

Namita Nayyar

Working women at times are left to balance between personal, home, and professional life. Reasons for mental wellness is as important as physical. 5 optimum foods add to the diet to boost mental balance.

naina more

Naina More:

.Managing all fronts of life is not an easy job, one needs a lot of energy and motivation to do so. To work efficiently it is necessary to feel good from inside. They say ‘To look good, one must feel good’ and this is so true.

Everything in life goes in vain if there isn’t a feeling of happiness and content. Having no time to relish simple pleasures of life affects the emotional being. Not taking press and pause once in a while, makes a person frustrated and depressed.

Also overthinking, bad sleep and constant work pressure hamper mental wellness which in turn will bring down physical health. Ignoring mental fitness for very long can sometimes unknowingly lead to bigger outcomes; like anxiety, depression, and the urge to suicide. So always keep a check on ‘mental fitness’ and seek help if needed, before it’s too late.

To Boost mental balance focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables along with foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Include ‘Walnuts’ in diet, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Start your Day with ‘warm water with lemon’, this antioxidant drink cleanses toxins not only from the body but also from mind. 
  • ‘Yogurt’ is a must. Not many people know that probiotic bacteria found in yogurt directly impacts mental health by lowering stress and anxiety.
  • ‘Avocados’ are full of vitamin K and folate, which boosts memory, energy, and concentration.  
  • ’Dark chocolate’ is an absolute mood booster and increases attention levels. So rejoice the indulgence.

Namita Nayyar

5 exercises or activities would you suggest to relieve stress and manage pressure.

Naina More:

Any form of exercise that involves releasing Endorphins, which are hormones that fight stress can be particularly ‘stress-relieving’ but most important is to pick an activity that you enjoy.

I will recommend Yoga, Running, brisk walking, dancing, and cycling. It is very important to be consistent. Practice breathing exercises to manage pressure.

Namita Nayyar

Nowadays Social media is both a boon and bane, many people face stress and anxiety due to picture-perfect lives shown on the internet. How would you advise them?

Naina More:

Social media has evolved over time with its own advantages and disadvantages, but the most important thing is to not get intimidated by it. Do not get fooled by the picture-perfect lives of others, a lot of it is fake. Posts on social media should not make one feel inadequate or burden them with comparisons and pressure, this in turn leads to depression and anxiety.

Have control over screen time and also stay away from unnecessary arguments, trolling, and bullying that goes on in social media. Being there on social platforms is not bad, but getting affected by them on a personal level is harmful. 

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