Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Any 3 tips for your fans to how to get the bikini fit body?
Ms. Mandana Karimi:
We all have a different shape and we all are beautiful in our own ways but if you’re looking for a flat tummy, it has to do a lot with your food and it has to do a lot with the certain workouts that you do.
- You need to set a goal
- You need to buy a really nice bikini or any basic bikini
- To understand there is no bikini body type. It’s just the way you look happy and it’s just the feeling when you look at yourself and you like what you see that’s when you get the bikini body but in my case it has to do a lot with my workout routine, it has to do with my favourite core exercises, which I do train my core 3 or 4 times a week
Getting abs has been my dream for many many years and finally after so many years I’ve managed to achieve a little bit and so it’s not a overnight kind of a process, it takes time, it takes a lot of a hard work and it takes a lot of just trusting yourself and believing that you can get it.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have been skinny-shamed, body-shamed, and also trolled on religious grounds for wearing a bikini quite a few times, your comment on the same? How do you survive these personal comments?
Ms. Mandana Karimi:
Internet could be a very dark place as well when you don’t have confidence and you don’t know who you are, you don’t know where you come from and you forget your struggle and I used to get bothered before, this is a few years ago, and I used to think why people are so nasty and no one is happy for each other. Why do you have to make so many comments on people’s personal life, the way they look, the way they talk, their accent, you’re fat, you’re skinny, you’re dark, you’re white and it’s really unfair that some people they can just say anything about anyone.
I’ve realized that because sometimes I look at someone and they look great and really beautiful and they do whatever but then you see some people they don’t like them so I have realized that it doesn’t matter how you look, it doesn’t matter how much you weigh, it doesn’t matter where you come from, people are going to talk and some people they are going to like you, some people they’re going to hate you. You’ve got to make some friends, you’re going to make some enemies, its a fact that that’s how life is, not everyone going to love you, not everyone is going to agree with you that you’re doing right or you’re doing wrong.
So I stopped bothering about the comments anymore and what I do I accept the love that I’m getting, I appreciate the love that I’m getting on social media and I ignore the rest. To be honest the beauty of life sometimes is just to feel empathy for these people who are making these comments because it just shows how unsatisfied and sad they are in their life so I do kind of connect with them as well, I empathize with them.
I have grown out of it, I don’t think anything that they say because it doesn’t change Mandana, it doesn’t really affect me because I know who I am. I know how I look and I’m happy to say I love myself and I couldn’t be happier, I’m in a great space and some person who I don’t even know who they are, by coming and saying nasty things about my body, about the country that I’ve come from or about my beliefs so it doesn’t affect me at all.
What I want to add to this is that I want to tell the young people not to get so affected by social media it’s a great place to be its a fun place to be and be happy and enjoy connecting to new people and don’t give attention to the negative people and enjoy the love, enjoy the attention, enjoy the beauty of it instead of getting affected by the negatives and things that people say about you.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Your comment on Women Fitness as a website and the work we do to educate women about health and fitness?
Ms. Mandana Karimi:
It’s just fantastic! You guys are doing a great job because education and educating a woman is so important, educating a daughter is so important because they are our future. It makes me happy and puts a smile on my face, seeing that women empowerment, women knowing their body more, they knowing their worth and being confident in their own way, it’s so important and you guys are doing a great job and I hope we do have more people who are actually doing this and it’s not only the talk about empowerment, it’s talking about getting fit and you guys are doing the job .
Thank you so much for your fabulous question and I’ll talk to you guys soon. Keep the good work going and I wish you all the luck, all the success and do more good for our generation, for our women and I wish you guys and the team all the best thank you so much!
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This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President womenfitness.org and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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