Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Fitness plays a very important role especially when you are in the industry, tell us how you maintain your fitness regime? Share your cardio and strength routine?
Ms. Mandana Karimi:
Yes fitness plays a very important role in the industry that I am in but I think fitness plays important role in any industry and everyone’s life. I used to play a lot of sports in school and I’ve always been fond of being outdoor but for me my workout and my regime has become more serious since the past two years. I really don’t have a specific routine but if I am shooting the whole day and I haven’t managed to go to the gym then I’ve made it a habit to do some sort of exercise or to control what I eat and example if I’m shooting the whole they for like ten minutes or fifteen minutes I do a very quick workout which could be a core workout or squats. When I have three days I do have a one trainer, who I train with and I have another guy who actually programs my workout and my diet and it comes as a email so I follow that.
A Cardio for me is playing some sort of a sport because I don’t really like running on the treadmill but it is one really important part of your workout, so I’ve started again because I was in Zurich for a year and a half so I couldn’t really run or do any sort of sport so I used to do boxing before so now I’m backing into my boxing because for me to its a great form of cardio and it helps you to work on your stamina so that’s one favourite cardio that I have or play some sports, it could be football or cricket. Recently, I’ve started playing cricket.
My other training is a lot of bodyweight, using my own body weight and twice a week I have heavy lifting which helps me to grow to grow myself stronger because at the same time when you’re trying to stay fit you need to also work on your muscle.
Particularly I don’t really follow any sort of a diet, I’m a big foodie and I don’t believe in starving my body. I believe in keeping my body happy because when your body is happy then you see the results and to be honest you need to make any sort of a workout a part of your lifestyle it shouldn’t be something which is a force because the moment you force your body, the moment you put stress on it that I have to go to gym, I have to do cardio, I have to diet, you are actually sending the wrong signal to your body and that doesn’t really work, you just become really restless, you waste a lot of energy and you don’t really see any result.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Do you follow any particular diet? What are the main foods that are a big no-no in your diet?
Ms. Mandana Karimi:
Like I said I don’t really follow any diet and I don’t really have cheat days because I believe in not starving myself and not letting my body used to not getting things that I like. So one mistake that many people make is that they have this one day that they call a cheat day when they eat whatever, it doesn’t really work for me atleast.
What I do, lets say if I’m feeling like eating a chocolate or pizza or something I eat it and I try to kind of makeup for it in my workout or for example if I’m going to someone’s for a meeting I climb the stairs because I didn’t manage to workout and of course your food, it plays a very important part of your workouts and diet but then following a routine, having a dedication to do your diet which could be let’s say if you set a body goal, you want to achieve something right so you just control you food.
I don’t really go off let’s say carbs or off chocolate off ice cream or pizza, I do eat it, I enjoy it but not a big quantity and also one habit that I have is that I eat very small portions of food and I eat usually like four to five meals a day and hydration is very important to me, it could be drinking water, drinking coconut water and I don’t really as I said again I don’t really follow any diet, I keep my body really happy and I workout and it has become a part of my lifestyle.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You were also one of the runners up in the popular reality TV show, Bigg Boss 9. How was your experience with Bigg Boss house? Any comments on the latest season Bigg Boss 13?
Ms. Mandana Karimi:
Yes I was on Season 9. It was a life changing experience for me because it is that one thing that I’ve done in my life that has given me so much, the show has given me so much, I’ve learned so much about myself, I’ve understood that how strong I am and how my strength comes from the strength of my mind which is so important because sometimes it doesn’t matter how fit your body is if you don’t have a strong mind and if you don’t have strong believes it could lead you to a lot of problems.
It was a great experience for me, I had a lot of fun, I had a lot of down times and I would never forget the experience that I had in the Bigg Boss house and it has given me so much and about the latest season, I haven’t watched any of the episodes but I believe the show did really well this season and I’m happy to hear that the TRPs were quite high and people were entertaining the audience.