WomenFitness India

Mitushi Ajmera: Overcoming Challenges to become a Leading Wellness Coach

Mitushi Ajmera is a popular Wellness Coach. She is also an ISSA certified Fitness Coach, a sports nutritionist, EREPS registered Pilate instructor & India’s first Pilardio instructor who helps people achieve their fitness goals through a holistic approach to good nutrition and exercise.

According to Mitushi“My journey started around 10 years back when I was trying to lose some extra weight that I had gained after my son’s delivery. I was at 87 kgs then”

Check out Mitushi Ajmera in conversation with WF President, Ms. Namita Nayyar on her weight loss & journey to become a leading wellness coach. Catch on her Inspiring Story & tips to healthy living. Read on..

mitushi ajmera

Namita Nayyar:

Being a fitness & Wellness Coach holding multiple badges along with being India’s first Pilardio instructor you have come a long way. Share your journey as to what inspired you towards fitness.

Mitushi Ajmera:

I have always been a thin person but gained weight during my two pregnancies. It was my experience of losing weight and injuring my back during the process that pushed me to take up fitness and health professionals.

Namita Nayyar:

You gained a lot of weight post-birth of both your children and lost it too. Please share an insight about the weight gain & loss journey. How much you gained & lose. How?

Mitushi Ajmera:

During my first pregnancy, at the age of 26, I gained only the required weight and lost it all with usual routine activities. It was during my second pregnancy when I was 32 years old, that my weight went to its max, around 87 kgs. I joined a gym to exercise regularly when my younger child turned 8 months, thinking exercising automatically would make me lose weight. I used to exercise for approximately two hours each day and went on random diets too.

I watched every morsel that went into my mouth and would cut down calories indiscriminately. With all this, I managed to come down to approximately 64kgs by age 35. But, ended up getting a grade 2 soft tissue injury of the back too. This is when I decided to become a wellness professional.

I lost weight further, healed my back after I became a coach. Today at the age of 44, I am standing strong at 58kgs.

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