By- Ms. Geeta Ramakrishnan, Ontological Coach and Author.
COVID-19 started as a viral epidemic someplace far away from home, to suddenly change into a global pandemic leading to lockdown. Who would have thought it will not only create a fear of uncertainty and death, but also bring our daily life to a sudden halt, literally? We are under lockdown with no option and no time to prepare.

Work from home has become the norm for many. The first reaction is to panic, with the media providing confusing information about COVID-19, related rising deaths and of course the economic mayhem thereafter.
Learn to live and navigate work and home life in small enclosed space where things we take for granted like food, water and freedom of moment is restricted. As the initial shock wears of, accepting this reality and a new way of living is a great positive step. Acceptance helps our mind face the fear. When the mind shifts gear from fear to a calmer state, it opens creative problem part of the brain to find the next best step to help adapt.
Lockdown: A Time to Reflect

- Focus on the blessings.
- How often have you had the luxury to have all three meals with your family, to have a relaxing cup of coffee?
- To see and hear the birds chirp out of your window.
- To not face the chaos of traffic and save travel time or laugh and play with your children.
- Having a chat and celebrating birthdays with friends and relatives even if via Zoom.
- Pursuing a new hobby or new passion to take that pause to rethink the mindless life you were so used to living.
When the mind shifts gear from fear to a calmer state, it helps open up that creative problem part of the brain. Find the next best step to help adapt. Use the lockdown as an opportunity to reflect on life, to love more, to live more. Contribute more to your family, to the society to lead to success and happiness.