3. Your daughter, Divija Shah recently ventured into the field of nutrition and fitness, what advice would you like to give her and other budding nutritionists and dietitians. Please share your daughter’s area of specialization.
Divija Shah is an 18 year old fitness enthusiast studying in 12th grade of the Dirubhai Ambani International School. In school, she has pursued sports science and currently she has also taken up a fitness coach certification program from the American College of Sports and Medicine. Meanwhile, she has started her research on nutrition and has also taken up various short courses on the subject.
Recently, she also went to the Johns Hopkins University to learn about nutrition and bio-hacking. Her drive for nutrition and fitness kick started her Instagram page – Step up with the fitness .She specializes in fitness for teenagers. She designs fun and result oriented workouts, which encourages teenagers to exercise regularly.
She, herself, being a teenager, understands the psychology of her peers and can help them become the best version of themselves. Her motto is #Fitteen Fit India.
My advice to her and all the other budding nutritionists and fitness enthusiasts is just that. Be unique, just be yourself and don’t try to copy others when you follow your passion. By retaining your own unique self-miracles happen and success is inevitable. Only those who are fully in spirit can be torch bearers of health and wellness and pioneers of the future.
4. 5 Tips for the New Generation who look around for Quick Fix Diets to lose and maintain weight? Divija’s and your say on the same.

Nutrition tips by Dr Neomee Shah.
Number one, most of the people try to eat clean during the week, but then on a weekend they go all out and they’re bingeing and cheating, which defeats their entire weight loss goal. My advice would be to have two cheat meals per week and not to have cheat days
Number two, most people confuse thirst for hunger, often mistaking the former for the latter. My approach to cure would be to be mindful and avoid overeating by consuming ample water.
Number three have well balanced meals comprising of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals and water. My PRO TIP would be not to cut out on any essential nutrients drastically and be deficient in it. Instead, you can play around with the proportion in each meal and exercise portion control.
Workout Tips By Divija.
Quick 25 minute HIIT cardio workout. This is a high-intensity interval training workout that engages your full body. They include alternating periods of intense, cardio exercises with very sharp, less intense recovery periods. Along with being a quick workout that can be fit into anyone’s daily routine. It also burns a lot of calories in a short period of time that’s being effective for weight loss.
Daily twelve sets of Surya Namaskar, any type of yoga helps tone your muscles and also improves your blood circulation. This, as a result, helps in improving your digestive system, relaxes your muscles, and farms you down mentally. Surya Namaskar, in specific, has one extra added benefit of losing weight and improving the metabolism as at a faster pace. It can be considered as a cardio exercise.