No lipstick can create a perfect pout if your lips aren’t well cared for!
Dry air, sun and wind can cause dry lips all year round as they possess lesser amount of oil glands and no ability to create the sun-filtering natural melanin.

5 Steps to a Healthy Looking Lip.
Scrub Your Lips
Scrubbing your lips 2-3 times per week is important to ensure that they stay healthy and soft. Removing dead skin cells is a must to make sure that your lips don’t succumb to any infection. Home made scrub is idle like simple honey and brown sugar, or a gentle store bought lip scrub.
Massage your Lips Everyday
Use some nourishing oil like coconut or praffin wax to massage your lips for about 5 minutes every day. This improves the blood circulation in your lips and ensures that they get the nutrients that are needed.
Protect from Sun
Never ever forget that the lips should be cared for just like your skin. They are affected by the sun like other body parts. Apply a lip balm with SPF when you are going out in the sun for protection.
Always Carry a Lip Balm:
Make sure you have a good creamy and hydrating lip balm with you even while you are traveling to prevent dry lips. Never lick your lips. It might feel good for the moment but once the saliva evaporates, it will leave the lips even more dry. The enzymes in the saliva are simply too harsh on your delicate lips.

Use Lipsticks only When Stepping Out:
Since, the lips have no natural protection, wearing a lipstick will help you add a layer to them. Using lipsticks protects your lips from the sun, dry air, dirt and other outside factors. But remember, wearing too much lip-stick can sometimes dry out the lips, if the formulas have a lot of chemicals. Remove lipstick before going to bed.
If you do these five easy lip care steps regularly, they will look great every day.