Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Please throw some light on the NGO you run “Defeating Disorders”. When did you start it, its aim, and how women can reach out to you to seek help?
Ms. Khushi Jain:
DefEating Disorders is an NGO that I founded in 2021 along with a core team and a board of medical professionals. We have over 25+ psychologists, dieticians, and nutritionists on board to help people in their recovery journey.
Defeating Disorders has a 3 fold mission.
- The first is preventive care; we do this by going to schools, colleges, and organisations to conduct workshops on body image, diet, and eating disorders in the younger age group. We shed light on how to be aware of the onset of these mental illnesses and how to safeguard one from falling prey to them.
- The second mission is curative. With the body of medical professionals, this NGO offers eating disorder recovery support to anyone going through a struggle. No one should wait to get better or invalidate their struggle. We make help accessible, available, and affordable.
- Last but not the least; our third mission is to create a platform where people can share their own stories. Open up and talk about their experiences and how they came out of them. Destigmatising the conversation around eating disorders can help victims get inspired to get better.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Your Instagram handle @shetalksandeats works on motivating people to practice food freedom and work on a healthy relationship with eating. What have you learned through this media, has it proved beneficial to women at large? Any experience you would like to share?
Ms. Khushi Jain:
I wake up every day to 10 messages on average from young girls telling me that my content inspired them to love their bodies. They encourage themselves to eat, to be less critical when they look in the mirror, and practice more kindness towards themselves. I enjoy content creation a lot but what I enjoy more is connecting with people from all walks of life and all around the world who they’re working on themselves getting stronger, healthier, and better every day! And there is NO greater joy or satisfaction than that.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What according to you is the biggest mind block to overcoming an eating disorder?
Ms. Khushi Jain:
To anyone that’s reading this right now, I only want to say one thing to you.
Never ever think that you aren’t capable of achieving something. Even if you are in the deepest and darkest phase of your life, I promise you, that you can and will find a way to turn your pain into power.
Any time you feel like you’re losing, failing, or not making progress, just remind yourself that 5 years from now you will see why you were made to go through the struggle. Time fixes wounds we never thought would heal. So give time some time.
Trust yourself, believe in yourself, and never judge yourself. And once you are able to do all that, you will see yourself come out stronger than you could’ve ever imagined.
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