Ms. Namita Nayyar:
How & when did you realize that you were suffering from an eating disorder? What was your body health status back then?
Ms. Khushi Jain:
Somewhere in the middle of 2020, I realize that my relationship with food was deteriorating and I had reached a point where I was not able to consume anything without severe guilt.
My daily consumption of food had decreased by a lot; I was eating about one-third amount of the food that I used to eat.
I was also not able to convince myself to eat more because I was just extremely scared of gaining weight. I started going to therapy and I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa along with symptoms of author Axya Bolivia and then is it in this order. I think everyone who is going through I need in this order somewhere internally knows that they’re going to 1 because it is at the end of the day very conscious decision but at the same time sometimes it is not in the person‘s control to stop unless I get external help and assistance. Which for me were therapy and opening up to my family about my struggle.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Females in our society primarily due to social stress are unable to realize the difference between “being lean” & “thin”. Please share tips for women to follow in order to honor their physical being and live healthily.
Ms. Khushi Jain:
It’s so unfortunate that our society places being thin over being healthy…
One way of breaking out of this cycle is to really honor your hunger and treat exercise with a mindset of making yourself feel better. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Strike a balance between intuitive eating and mindful eating. Make healthier choices and ALWAYS remember that some foods are good for your body while some are good for your soul. Eat both in balance.
For exercise, if starting your day at the gym doesn’t feel doable or inviting, don’t. Go later, go in the middle of the day or in the evening after work. Get some movement at some point in the day. It also doesn’t have to be the gym. Go for a dance class, cycle to work, do Pilates with your best friend – find ways to get yourself active in ways that don’t stress you out, and instead alleviate it.