WomenFitness India

Nutritionist Ms. Ishi Khosla in Coversation With Women Fitness


You are clinical nutritionist, consultant, writer, columnist, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur. Share the role that best defines you and how do you go about balancing your personal & professional life.

Ms. Ishi Khosla:

At my core I am an academically oriented person. A quest to read , research , analyse & write drive me . A passion for food is in my DNA ( A foodie family). My motivation comes from the belief that food is what makes us: a community or nation cannot prosper without good health which starts with hygiene & healthy food. To share this knowledge and reach the community at large keep me charged. Even after 25 years of practice I know there is so much to learn!


Share 5 tips for pre & post-menopausal women to maintain a supple & healthy skin? Skin care before going to bed.

Ms. Ishi Khosla:

  1. 1)Typically women under go hormonal upheavals around this time which affects the gut negatively. A leaky gut leads to development of food sensitivities. It is best to screen for these .Most often wheat, soy, corn & oats,fructose & dairy are culprits .
  2. As a result nutritional deficiencies are very common. Check for vitamin D, B-12, iron . Supplements are usually needed but must be taken under care of a qualified professional.
  3. Hydration is critical
  4. Plan the diet around having two protein centric meals along with vegetables. One meal should only be vegetables or fruits . Cereals & grains should be according to individual needs & tolerance .
  5. Regular exercise , yoga & meditation are useful to attained mental , physical & spiritual balance.


You work as a consultant to several organizations and are involved in the food industry including schools and education institutions. According to you where does the fault rise in rapid increase in obesity & health related issues among teenagers?

Ms. Ishi Khosla:

Industrial production of food & change in agricultural practices are at the core of our ill – health.


Dietary advice and motivational words to professionals who work odd hours and tend to eat out or survive on tea/coffee or a burger? 5 early signs to identify that one is going off-track?

Ms. Ishi Khosla:

  1. Read my book “Eating at work” .
  2. If some one depends too much on caffeine it may signal a nutritional imbalance & loss of energy.
  3. Not having fresh fruits ,vegetables & good fats
  4. Skin issues , hair fall , digestive issues , heartburn , constipation , low energy , anxiety , mood swings, difficulty in weight management, sinusitis , frequent colds & coughs are red flags .
  5. Anemia, osteopenia, joint pains also flag off need to look at diet corrections or mal-absorption.


Who has been your biggest influence and motivation in your path to success?

Ms. Ishi Khosla:

My patients. The gratification one gets out of transforming lives is too precious. My family has helped me stay motivated & supported my through my journey.


Tell us about a memorable experience you remember as a nutrition consultant?

Ms. Isha Khosla:

A young lady  was on a pill for PCOD & had not had her period for three years despite diet & exercise. I changed  her diet & removed  gluten & dairy for week. She came back in ten days & reported that she had a period after three years. Even though I knew she would respond,  I had not expected the response to be so fast !

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President womenfitness.org and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

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