WomenFitness India

5 Ways On How Nutrition Could Help Your Immune System To Fight Coronavirus

By- Ms. Pretty Tyagi

Lead Health Coach, Nutritionist, Founder, My22BMI

Novel Coronavirus has been a topic of everyone’s worry ever since it came into existence. It has literally put life on hold and is spreading like fire amongst people. Countries being locked down and work been put on a standstill. However, there is a lot that can be done on an individual level, by people, that can prevent them from this deadly virus.

Since it attacks the body as any usual virus, it becomes evident that keeping our immune systems boosted, will help us stay safe from it, along with many other precautions.

Defend yourself with powerful nutrients

The top three nutrients to ensure a strong immune system are vitamin C, zinc, and iron.

The benefits of vitamin C to boost immunity are well documented reminds people to take it before the onset of cold or flu symptoms.

Try to get your vitamin C in its natural form, unless you know you aren’t getting enough from dietary sources, such as citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and kiwis, as well as guava, bell peppers, and broccoli, are all good sources.
Zinc deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to pneumonia and other infections in children and the elderly. To get enough zinc, she recommends eating eggs, poultry, fortified breakfast cereals, beans, chickpeas, and nuts (cashews and almonds). Or just take a good Zinc Supplement.

If you are getting enough zinc in your diet, then you are likely getting enough iron as the two are in a lot of common foods. “Vegetarians must make sure they eat the plant-based iron with vitamin C, which can enhance the absorption of plant-based iron.”
A good Vitamin D Supplement is a must for everyone to keep their levels on track these days. Go out in the early morning sunlight for vitamin D absorption.

Include food mentioned below in your diet as they are alkaline in nature and will prevent the body from coronavirus and other viruses.

  • Lemons, Limes, Avocadoes, Garlic, Mango, Tangerines, Oranges, Pineapples,
  • Dandelions, Kiwis, berries, Amla (Gooseberry)
  • Also, include anti-viral herbs such as Tulsi, Garlic, Ginger, Ginseng, Oregano, Lime Balm, Fennel, Rosemary, etc.

Stay Safe and defend your body with proper nutrition, in these difficult times.

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