WomenFitness India

How Homeopathy Can Help Cure PCOS

By Dr. Mukesh Batra,

Padma Shri recipient and Founder & Chairman Emeritus, Dr Batra’s Group of Companies

Over 10 million women suffer from PCOS globally!


 A silent disorder 

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), I call it a ‘Silent Disorder’, because 1 in every 4 women suffers from PCOS and yet half of these women go undiagnosed. The reason why this hormonal disorder, that affects over 10 million women globally, goes undiagnosed is because it doesn’t cause pain in most cases. Unfortunately, many women seek medical assistance only when pain starts affecting their routine life. They often neglect the other important symptoms of PCOS like mood swings, anxiety, uncontrolled weight gain, increased acne, irregular periods and unwanted hair growth on face. This ignorance often leads to several health complications later including infertility.        

What exactly is PCOS? 

PCOS is a hormonal disorder, common among women of reproductive age. In PCOS, the egg follicles get trapped just under the surface of the ovary due to which the ovaries are unable to release eggs, a process important for normal ovulation. As ovulation does not take place, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and in some cases is absent. Instead, multiple small cysts are formed in the ovary.

What is most disturbing is that girls as young as 11 can develop PCOS. So, if your teenage daughter has trouble losing weight despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, and if her periods are irregular, please do not ignore it. It might be a sign of the onset of PCOS. Early diagnosis and treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent complications. 

Factors that put you at risk of getting PCOS

The primary risk factor for PCOS is family history. There is a higher chance of developing PCOS if your mother or other women in your family have a history of irregular periods or diabetes. If a woman is diagnosed with PCOS, her sister has about a 40% chance of having it as well. Stress may be both a symptom and a possible cause of PCOS. Insulin resistance and PCOS are linked as well. However, what’s not known is if insulin resistance causes PCOS or if PCOS leads to insulin resistance.

Homeopathy effectively treats PCOS 

The conventional treatment for PCOS focuses on treating its visible and most troublesome symptoms. Medicines offered treat irregular periods, acne, excess hair, and elevated blood sugar. However, the root cause, which is hormonal imbalance, is left untreated. 

Homeopathy focuses on this root cause. Homeopathic remedies work on correcting the hormonal imbalance, regularizing ovulation as well as restoring menstrual normalcy. It also helps treat the associated symptoms of PCOS effectively.


Moreover putty download windows , homeopathy is an individualised treatment, which means, that no two women would be recommended the same medication despite presenting similar symptoms.  Homeopathy does not recommend a one-suit-fits-all approach; each woman is given different medication, which is specific to her and effectively addresses the root cause of the ailment. 

Stress management, weight control, corrective lifestyle habits along with the medicines can be of considerable help. While the hormonal imbalances can be kept in check, homeopathy can also help to treat infertility in women who are planning for a pregnancy. 

Some homeopathic remedies for treating PCOS & associated complaints are:

  • Hair loss & PCOS: Weisbaden, Arnica, Thuja, Acid flour, China
  • Acne & PCOS: Berberis aquafolium, Phosphorus, Silicea, Sulphur, Calcaria-sulph, Borax, Hepar- sulph, Kali-brom
  • Infertility: Pulsatilla, sepia, terantula, apis, lycopodium, lachesis

(Please do no self-medicate. Consult a homeopath for an appropriate dosage and duration of treatment).

Self-care tips 

In addition to medication, here are some self-care tips to deal with PCOS:

  • Exercise: It helps reduce excess fat. Excess fat can produce more estrogen, which leads to hormonal imbalances. Even reducing just 5-10% of body weight will help ease the symptoms and regularize menstrual cycle 
  • Diet: Avoid processed sugar and white flour. Eat a balanced diet of healthy fats, protein, green vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and legumes.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking: Smoking and alcohol can cause hormonal imbalance which could make PCOS worse.

Use this PCOS awareness month, to inform, educate and help the women in your life get effective treatment for this ‘Silent Disorder’.

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