WomenFitness India

Home Workouts For Your Body Type

By HRX trainer- Shwetambari Shetty

A very good option for home workouts is HRX DIY which includes primal moves, a very result oriented training methodology called Zero momentum rep and a lot of focus on improving range of motion. The workout will soon be available on the cure.fit app.

It is easier said than done. WORKOUT!!!!! But what workout should I choose? What works for me? Rather my body?  This is a million dollar question. And let it not be ignored. You will achieve your results faster and smarter if you can design your workout based on your body type.

There are three basic human body types:  endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph. Despite your resemblance to one of them at a given time, you’re not necessarily bound to one category.


Ectomorphs generally have lean and skinny body, smaller joints and bones, faster metabolism, with difficulty building muscles and gaining weight.


To become strong and muscular, an ectomorph needs to keep cardio/aerobic activity to a minimum and focus on compound exercises to maximize growth hormone release.

When it comes to nutrition, an ectomorph looking for muscle gain responds well to diet high in calories, carbs, protein and fat. Which does not mean they could eat anything they like, the focus should be to intake carbs and fats from clean & healthy sources.

Workouts at home for an Ectomorph


Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms by your side.

Squat down like you would sit on a chair, ensure your thighs are parallel to the floor or you can also go below parallel, knees never going ahead of your toes, Keep the weight up in your heels, chest up & back flat. Keep arms extended out straight for some balance.

Squeeze your butt as you come up.

Do this for a minute and rest 15 secs and repeat again. You could do around 3 to 5 sets.


Stand with your feet hip width apart. Step one foot forward, lowering your hips until both knees are at about a 90 degree angle. Front knee should be above the ankle and the back knee should not touch the floor. Push back into position and bring the other leg forward.

Do this for a minute alternating legs and rest 15 secs and repeat again. You could do around 3 to 5 sets.

Beast Hold

This is a movement designed for HRX workouts.

Go down on all fours, palms beneath the shoulder and knees right under the hips. When you are ready to start, lift your knees a little off the ground and hold. You are balancing on your palms and toes, engage the mid section, back flat and head aligned with your spine.

Hold for 45 secs to 1 minute, drop down, rest for 15 secs and up again. Do this 4 to 5 times.

Side Kick Through

This is a movement designed for HRX workouts

Get to beast hold position. Lift your right leg off the ground, left arm off the ground and kick your right leg towards he left, extending it out straight. Switch to the other side. The foot that is on the ground, must be flat, heel touching down at the end of the movement.

Do this 10 on either side continuously and rest for 15 to 20 secs and repeat 3 to 4 sets

Push Up (elbow in)

Start by getting into a plank position, keeping feet hip width apart and arms underneath shoulders. Keep the mid-section tight, engage the core.

Your body is now parallel to the ground. Gently push your body to the ground, keeping the elbows in, close to the body. Touch down or close to the ground and then push yourself back to the plank position. While pushing up, remember to keep your body parallel to the ground and avoid pointing hips to the roof.

You can start with 5 repetitions and make gentle progress to 10 or 15 with 2 to 3 sets.


Mesomorphs lie in between the ectomorphs & the endomorphs and for all practical reasons, the body type everyone would wish to have. They have a lean athletic body with defined muscles, strong, easily gaining both muscles and fat.

Individuals with this body type should train like an athlete, as they are blessed with a muscular body and good stamina. Circuit training, HIIT, yoga, Pilates, calisthenics and plyometric workouts would work best to build strength effectively, add muscles and cut down body fat.


Like their body type, the diet most suitable for mesomorphs is also balanced. They should ideally split meals in 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats coming from clean sources.

Workouts at home for Mesomorph


Stand straight, and then lower into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you.

Kick your feet back into a push-up position and immediately drop your chest to the floor.

From  there, jump your feet forward in between your arms. Jump into the air and raise your arms overhead.

Land back softly into a squat and bring your hands to the floor.

Jump back to start position and repeat.

Do as many as you can in 1 minute, rest for 20 secs and repeat for another minute. Do this atleast for 5 or more minutes.


You remember skipping in school during the PT hour or with the neighbourhood kids? Well, bring that skipping rope out. This one is a great exercise for cardio, focus, balance. Just do 1 min skipping, 15 secs break and repeat 5 sets


Modified for ease

Kneel with hands out in front below the shoulders.

Bring hips forward to shift weight over your shoulders. Tighten the abs and hold

On elbows

You are in a push up position, except the weight is all on the elbows. Back must be flat, head to toe in one straight line.

Push up Position plank

Start in a push up position with hands under the shoulders.

Hold the position keeping the abs tight & weight over your shoulders the whole time.

Walking Plank

Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground. Walk up to a full plank by placing the palm up your hands on the ground and straightening your elbows. Then, return to the forearm plank. Keep this movement controlled and steady. Make sure your hips and butt stay in line with the rest of your body while keeping your abs engaged always.

Do this for a min, rest for 15 secs and repeat 4 sets.

Squats, Lunges, Push Ups, Beast Hold will also be required for mesomorphs to get the strength training.


Endomorph is a body type which is big, high body fat, often pear-shaped, with a high tendency to store body fat.

Unlike the ectomorphs and mesomorphs, cardio and aerobic exercises are your friend. It is recommended that you include steady cardio or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in your workout routine. Steady cardio pushes your heart rate to the fat burning zone, while HIIT stimulates your post workout metabolism. A proper mix of these two would lead to superior results.

endomorph workout

A low-carb diet, high fiber, low fat diet complimented by high protein intake is most likely to show results on an endomorph.

Workouts at home for an Endomorph


Walking, especially brisk walking is a brilliant way to burn fat. Brisk walk for 1 min, slow down for 30 secs and keep this interval going for 10 to 15 mins.

Running at a moderate pace, but a 5k or 10k is another cardio option for mesomorph body type.

Tuck Jumps

Start with a squat keeping your back straight and knees behind the toes, jump up as high as you can, driving the knees to your chest. Attempt to land softly on the balls of your feet followed by lowering your heels. To make it impactful try not to break in between jumps.

Do it for a minute, rest for 20 secs and get at it again for 4 sets

Stair Walk/Run

If you have access to stairs, use it well. Just stair walk or run, a few floors continuously will improve cardio vascular system, gets your legs strong, burns calories, burn fat. Do it for a 4 to 5 rounds, take your 15 secs break when you really need.

Skipping, Burpees, Squats and Lunges will be required for an endomorph as well.

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