WomenFitness India

Fitness Trainer & Bikini Champion Harj Hadani Shares Her Workout, Diet & Fitness Tips

harj hadani

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have competed for various Bikini Fitness Competitions. How do you prepare for these competitions?

Ms. Harj Hadani:

Competition prep is extremely tough. Especially with kids. My family and business (clients) always come first. Training is very tough. Usually I spend about 2 hours day between weight lifting, cardio, meditation, and yoga. When training for a show I don’t have time for yoga. Usually I’m weight training about 1.5 hours day and then another 1.5 cardio-split into 2 sessions so training 3 times a day. I usually wake up at 3am and this starts about 8 weeks out from a show. My diet also gets very strict so where in my off-season I don’t worry too much about weighing my food in prep every bite I eat must be accounted for to reach that stage level low body fat. So there is definitely more stress as I spend a lot more time in the kitchen daily as well. As your body goes below “normal” body fat percentage it is similar to pregnancy brain. You are forgetful, extremely tired as your body wants to rest and repair, short in patience. To sum it up you’re sleepy, hungry, and cranky 🙂 I could never do it without the support of my husband that lets me focus on training and myself in the final 2 weeks.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You are also the creator of Insta-Waist. Tell us more about this popular endeavor of yours?

Ms. Harj Hadani:

I developed this product after having kids my waist remained in a square shape. I had no waist. After a year of product development I had the perfect solution. Here is what the waist trainer does in a nutshell:
Not only do you lose 3-4 inches off your waist instantly, this quality compression garment is used to:

  1. Lose 3-4 inches permanently in 30 days
  2. Accelerate fat loss
  3. Support your lower back and correct posture, relieves back pain
  4. Extreme push-up effect with your chest/bust
  5. Instant hour glass shape
  6. Interior latex fabric helps to increase fat loss and target your midsection by heating up your core while doing cardio and weight-lifting
  7. Eliminates love handles/hides fat roles
  8. Post-birth Reshaping-It is also excellent tool for new moms. It is intended to reduce water retention and swelling of the uterus while supporting that unwanted “baggy baby skin”
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Would you like to tell us about the changing scenario of fitness in our country over the years?

Ms. Harj Hadani:

I believe over the centuries as people are becoming less active, foods are becoming more processed and toxic, obesity and nutrition related diseases are on the rise. I think people are finally realizing that the way our granparents ate, the quality of their food and their activity level will not work for us in our lives. So as people are learning they are making conscious efforts to be more active, to eat better. I think everyone knows this, it’s just a matter of changing the habits. If you cant be strong enough as the cook, the shopper, the role model to make that change your children will have it far worse than you.

Instead of putting the burden of poor health and lifestyle choices on your children and forcing them to go through major changes in their adult lives to live healthy and disease free lives, make the change yourself today. That way your children don’t develop those poor eating habits and only know to live eating whole nutritious foods. So the shift is being made but I think people need to stop looking for magic in a pill. It can only be attained through proper nutrition. Period. If you see my 28 Day Shred program transformations you will see major weight loss through diet alone-my clients don’t work out, only eat right.

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President womenfitness.org and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

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