WomenFitness India

Gowri Varanashi On Her “Rocky” Journey & More

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

As of today you work in India and have a private organization called Wilderness Ways, to teach nature connection programs and about wildlife. Tell us more about your mission and how the organization operates.

Ms. Gowri Varanashi

I started Wilderness Ways to teach nature connection to adults and kids. We have been disconnected from nature for far too long now, we have lost so much ancient skills and knowledge of how to live with nature and why nature is so valuable, resourceful to us so it is time to reconnect. Our mission is to get more adults and children outdoors and reconnect them to the power of nature. This is done through a unique experience of interacting with nature very closely through activities and games using our senses of hearing, touch, seeing and so some activities will involve being blindfolded and having to really listen or feel the land while some will teach you how to truly observe and see things.

We also teach survival skills along with these to teach people why nature is resourceful and valuable. At the end of the day of course the idea is to have a fun day out I nature while learning, which hopefully connects everyone personally to the land, nature and animals.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

You studied in an unconventional school where children were encouraged to spend time outdoors. Every year you focused on an animal, one year even focused on snakes. Sounds exciting, what is your advice for youth or children studying in cities and lacking close interaction with nature and wildlife. 

Ms. Gowri Varanashi

I was very lucky and privileged to be able to attend a school that taught us the importance of learning about the other living beings we share this planet with. My advice to parents of children in cities is try to take your children to outdoor places in nature over weekends or whenever you can or sign them up for unique outdoor programs where they meet other children and learn about nature and wildlife. Sometimes, even going to parks and paying attention to the smaller living beings can change children’s perspectives, let them get dirty, let them play, let them hold insects and animals and their love for nature will grow.

My advice to children is to go out and play in parks or nearby small green patches because even in these small urban green spaces there is so much life and activity of animals such as birds, spiders, insects, squirrels and plants. There is so much to learn about them and while learning, get dirty, play and have fun!

Know More About Gowri Varanashi

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President womenfitness.org and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

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