WomenFitness India

All You Ever Wanted to Know From Yogini Fharzana Siraj, Founder of Orange Ray


Ms. Namita Nayyar

5 Yoga asanas for posture correction and re-alignment of body, a common lifestyle issue in today’s world?

Ms. Fharzana Siraj

  1. Tadasana or mountain pose 
  2. Marjarya asana or cat pose 
  3. Bitilasana or cow pose 
  4. Adho mukha svanasana or downward-facing dog pose
  5. Paschim namaskar asana or reverse prayer pose. 

Ms. Namita Nayyar

What does the different aspects of a yoga therapy class?

Ms. Fharzana Siraj

Yoga therapy is a four-pronged approach – Chaturvyuha 

  • Heya – What is the problem? symptoms, severity, duration, etc. 
  • Heya Hetu- Cause of the problem? genetics, infection, deficiency, lifestyle
  • Hana-  Freedom from suffering / Goal of the treatment or what patient requires or wants to achieve
  • Hanopaya- The tools/means to achieve relief or freedom from suffering/ mode of treatment.

 Ms. Namita Nayyar

What are the effects of Meditation on the Brain? Can it help to manage infertility?

Ms. Fharzana Siraj

Research suggests that people who practiced meditation for many years have more folds in the outer layer of the brain. This process is called gyrification and it may increase the brain’s ability to process information. Studies also suggest that meditation may slow, stall, or even reverse changes that take place in the brain due to normal aging. Meditation can affect activity in the amygdala (a part of the brain involved in processing emotions), and that different types of meditation can affect the amygdala differently even when the person is not meditating.

Some studies also suggest that meditation activates certain areas of the brain in response to pain and may increase a person’s tolerance to pain. 

Regarding infertility, if the cause is stress then definitely it may help in infertility but if it’s another cause then meditation may not provide the solution. 

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Please advise me on the yogic management for Backache?

Ms. Fharzana Siraj

Backache is a very broad-based term. As always one needs to find the cause. It could be muscle spasm due to stress, misalignment due to bad posture, injury due to a fall, etc., or disc prolapse, scoliosis, nerve impingement, or even sciatica. Only after assessment of the patient and correct diagnosis one can prescribe a yogic line of treatment. Hamstring stretches, hip flexor movements, extension and flexion of the spine, twists, and lateral stretches. will definitely give relief.

Some of the asanas one can do is

  • Suptapadungusthasana
  • Adhomukhasvanasana
  • Bharadwajaasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Shalabhasana etc.

the important key here is to use props for support and only do these in amid way and not stretch intensely. A gentle practice done twice daily will be very helpful.

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