Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Belly-pouch is one thing that continues to bother women after childbirth. 5 lifestyle modifications called upon to manage that.
Ms. Parul Kakad:
Yes! I see a lot of moms who just let lose after childbirth and say, “I’m just focusing on the baby”. Why? You need to focus on yourself too. Indulging in eating wrong food just damages your body over the long run. Unless you have serious health issues then it’s understandable. But looking after your health is equally important as looking after the baby. Starting mild exercises post birth, eating right and staying active – it’s all a circle Of life.
After my fourth. I had to undergo a surgery called “divarication of the recti” it’s where the stomach muscles separate in pregnancy. And I only realised these a year later.
Not a lot of women are aware. But there are special exercises and workout modules for this which help retract and shape the muscles properly. Core work outs with such issues don’t really help if you have this.
5 Lifestyle Modifications to Manage Belly Pouch By Parul Kakad
- Be active. Stay fit. Clock in 10,000 steps a day no matter what.
- Eat right. Have a mixed, balanced diet.
- Do everything in moderation. Don’t oversleep, don’t overeat. Don’t over workout. Balance!
- Do everything with a conscious mind.
- Most importantly, BE HAPPY and learn how to LOVE YOURSELF. Because if you can’t love yourself don’t expect anyone else to!
Ms.Namita Nayyar:
A message for WF fans and your followers for New Year & Holi 2021?
Ms. Parul Kakad:
Expect nothing from anyone but yourself. Only you can make yourself complete. You may be married, single or in a relationship. But you’re only answerable to yourself.
Understand your mind, feel your heart, love your body and nourish your soul.
For more:
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President womenfitness.org and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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