WomenFitness India

Detox Tips For Healthy Skin

By Dt. Manoli Mehta

The first and most visible indicator of your internal body health is your external appearance. Skin becomes the primary sign of good health and wellness. The food you eat provides you with adequate energy to carry out everyday functions and ensures nourishment to the body. The food that we eat and our gut health have a direct impact on the appearance and nature of the skin. With several external and internal factors playing a major role in the reflection of our skin, it is well-advised by experts to detox and rejuvenate to a fresher you!


Here are some simple and quick fixes to detox for healthy and glowing skin!

  • Check your skincare routine!

The primary and basic step in skincare is cleaning the skin, especially the face and the exposed areas, at regular intervals during the day. All you need is water. Externally as well as internally. Keeping oneself well hydrated at all times itself is a continuous and sure-shot way to detoxify and feel fresh.

  • You Are What You Eat

Your skin is simply a reflection of what you eat. Nourishing your body with healthy food with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber is an extremely important step to detox correctly. You must load up on vegetables and fruits, especially the seasonal variety, for your skin to adapt better to the changing environmental conditions as well.

Also, it is important to be well satiated. Starving should be strictly avoided and is a strict NO in case you wish to detox successfully.

detox skin
  • Feed on Antioxidants
Vitamin C:  

It has natural antioxidants that help lower pigmentation and patches on your skin. Therefore, citrus fruits and leafy greens in the form of salads are a must on your menu. Squeeze a lemon during your meal wherever possible!

Vitamin A:

Another important antioxidant vitamin to maintain healthy skin and gut health is vitamin A. It also helps fight acne and skin dryness. Yellow, orange

, and red-colored fruits and vegetables along with dark green leafy greens help you keep vitamin A retinoid levels in check.

detox diet
  • Limit Foods that Trigger Skin Damage

The goal of eating healthy and clean foods cannot be met if unhealthy food choices are not restricted. Foods and Drinks loaded with sugar and those which are highly processed or refined should be completely avoided as they can have a negative impact on the skin.

  • No Alcohol, Smoking, or Tobacco

These have highly disturbing and negative consequences on skin health. So, you need to leave these behind on your detox journey.

  • Exercise

Physical activity, be it any form of cardio, weights, yoga, or dancing, all help detox the skin. Engage in one of your favorite physical forms of exercise, and it will sweat out all harmful agents from your body. This surely helps detoxify and boost antioxidant function, especially for your skin and other parts of the body, which is a win-win for healthy and glowing skin.

detox exercise
  • Cleansing Bath

There is nothing that a long, warm, satisfying bath cannot solve. Add your exfoliating and cleansing bath salts and calming essential oils, which will help draw out the dirt and other impurities from your pores and help your skin feel detoxed and clean to start afresh!


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