Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Your mother was recently diagnosed with Covid-19, how did you manage the situation and what precautions are you taking a post that.
Message for your fans on COVID precaution
Ms. Deepika Singh:
I am living in Mumbai and my mother was diagnosed in Delhi, so I am not living with her. So at my home in Mumbai, I am taking utmost care. And, you know, whatever I say, I’m very careful about, you know, sanitization. And what how I manage the situation is, you know, stress that you have, and especially when it’s your mom. I used to get up five to six I used to meditate.
I used to pray, you know, regularly every day, each day. I used to do it before also. So but when my mother was diagnosed, I used to sleep at 12:00, 1:00 in the night after talking to her. So I was very mindful of my thoughts and I was moody on the phone.
I used to motivate my mom and telling her the true report, you know, this is how your progress is going on.
Message for my friends with precautions is, take very good care of yourself. It’s very important that only go out of the house now. And if you’re going to avoid going out, it’s best. And if you go out, please take all the necessary precautions. The most important thing which I want to tell people, which is drinking warm water, which I get to get to know from the doctors who are taking care of my mother and take care of your supplemental nutrition.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You took a break from acting post your pregnancy, how did you manage to get back in shape. “Weight loss is about our lifestyle and we need to be mindful about what we are eating.” Share 4 diet tips that helped you lose post-natal weight

Ms Deepika Singh:
Yeah, I lost all post-natal weight. In that regard right now, since last month, I have put on weight, so I am not actually worried, but I am very liberal with my exercising regime, with my eating habits is not because of eating wrong eating habits. Basically, because of my low BP, I cannot go low carb and no sugar.
I have replaced the carbs complex, after taking guidance from my doctor and she gave me a wonderful diet and that really helped me to reduce weight.
I was really, really involved with my workout those days. Also, I used to do Odissi Dance was doing with my dancing schedule, that time I used to do a lot of cardio because of my dancing routine and yoga.
Yeah, Yoga really helps me. And the dancing with the regime and the proper diet helped me to reduce the postpartum.
Also, some diet tips that helped me is that I used to eat the Moong Dal Cheela in the night with some green chutney. I stopped eating chapattis and rice in my mind in those days in my dinner, in the morning also I used to eat oats with fruit or omelet or anything which is in protein, but not heavy carbs. And also imagine that you are a very lean and healthy person. Imagination also helps a lot. So these are my tips.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What fitness regime do you follow? Also, share your top 3 favorite yoga asana especially to get rid of baby belly
Ms.Deepika Singh
I started doing the workout at least twice a week, and I practiced yoga every day for 45 minutes to one hour. I also practice my dance. I dance like three or four days a week and but I am regular with my yoga. So this kind of regime I follow.
Favourite Yoga poses
1. Seated forward bend pose – paschimottanasana
2. Kumbhakasana- plank pose
3. Paripurna Navasana- Boat pose
4. Eka pada adho mukha svasana- One legged downward facing dog pose
5. Setu bandha sarvangasana- bridge pose