Namita Nayyar
Your daily hair & skin care routine for that radiant look? According to you how significant is breathing for healthy skin & body?
Bad posture leads to inappropriate breathing because of slouching which causes compression of lungs. Breathing into your lungs to full capacity is achieved by Ujay Breath is what I practice and promote a lot.
I occasionally opt for a clean-up once in three or four months or a facial once in six months. Also, like to use a lot of our Indian based organic products more natural chemical-free. I might use Kiel’s because they suit me. But very minimal.
Namita Nayyar
You have tried the traditional hatha yoga, power yoga, and Ashtanga yoga. But have a bent towards Ashtanga. “This is my yoga.” Please throw some light on why it happens to be your favourite.
My journey started Off with traditional, hatha-yoga, a few years after that, I came across Ashtanga. It’s one of the world’s most powerful form of yoga. I personally practice a lot of Ashtanga and promote this schools of yoga.
Namita Nayyar
As women, we store a lot of stress in our hips. 5 hip opening yoga asanas to enhance flexibility & minimize stress. when and how to practice.
Hip openers are of key significance for everyone and yoga covers it all. A lot of the yoga asanas enhance the mobility in your hip area, like a downward dog. Women should practice hip opening asanas because they give birth to children. So, yoga is something that everybody, every woman should practice. It’s important, make it a priority.
Hip openers are important for stretching and strengthening the hip flexors because we tend to sit for long durations leaving them weak. Pigeon stretch is a great option. These yoga asanas should be practiced at least three to five times in a week.