Namita Nayyar
You are a stunning mother of two. Over the years how have you balanced your training routine, rearing kids and being a professional. Women often complain about lack of time when it comes to workout. 5 tips for women to prioritize daily workout?
I went to upgrade my knowledge about fitness to Australia when my kids were two and four years old (Alana). And got a chance to learn the best about personal training, nutrition, supplements, etc.
Then I got a God-send opportunity to train Miss India for 30 days. Miss India landed me on to another bigger platform, a higher platform. And that is how my career took off. Coaching requests from Bollywood actresses started pouring in to train them, to travel with them. It was tough but due to personal resons had to decline a lot of offers back then.
My children were a priority and I wanted to be around for them. It was only after they grew older that I decided to take on my career seriously.
A noticeably big part of my journey in fitness is about self-love that I gave myself through fitness. A Happy person is one with a sound mind, body & soul.
Namita Nayyar
Hormones play a key role in weight loss & management. Women are faced with the challenge of unwanted weight gain especially around their 40’s.
At 50, according to you what are the diet and lifestyle modifications required to prevent that?
Hormones play a huge role in fitness, and I’m going to be 52 this year. I had a smooth-sailing menopause gained very little weight before and then became the fittest after menopause. So basically, thanks to, my fitness background that kicked off at an incredibly young age.
Balanced, healthy meals composed of vegetables, my workouts and yoga are key to success.
Smart Tips For Women:
- Kick off today, by making small lifestyle changes.
- Big no to crash dieting.
- Don’t burn yourself out with overtraining.
- Alternate around stretching, weight training etc.
Namita Nayyar
Share input on your diet routine, meals/day? Foods you like to stick to minimum. You like to kick start your day with.
I don’t believe in the word diet. I practice grandparents diet pattern because I grew up watching them. They kept a track of their portion sizes; were profoundly disciplined.
Alcohol & smoke, is a big NO. So at the end of the day, it’s all just disciplined routine and good habits.
Breakfast is my biggest meal of the day. Followed by Lunch mainly which is vegetarian and then a snack at teatime winding up finally with dinner which I keep very light. It could be a soup or green juice with a little bit of avocado.
Big no to sugar. Key focus is organic. 95 percent of my diet is vegetarian with occasional egg and chicken, stopped red meat 18 years ago. I have been off dairy for last three years. I consume almond or nut milk, or have lactose every once in a week.