WomenFitness India

Best Lower Abs Workout For Women

By Ms. Shalini Bhargava,

Director – JG’S Fitness Centre

There are definitely countless ways to work out your abs out, but exercises dedicated to strengthen the lower abs which are the most ignored body parts are typically the most challenging. This is because upper fibres of the abdominal muscles fibres and obliques tend to get all the love and attention from the many popular fitness training we undergo, while the lower fibres are hard to target. Though, theoretically is no such thing as known as upper and lower abs. When people talk about these, they are actually referring to the rectus abdominis, which is also termed as six-pack muscle which runs from your lower ribs to your pelvis. There is another very important muscle besides the rectus abdomens and obliques, which forms the deepest layer of the abdominal muscles, the transverses abdomens. This is the most important core muscle to strengthen, as it provides stability to the pelvis and support to the lower back.

Best Lower Abs Workout

Below mentioned is a list of some great ab-exercises that are sure to set your abs and core on fire –

Boat Pose:

boat pose

To perform this exercise you must be seated with your knees being bent and feet flat on the ground. Your legs must be grasped underneath your thighs and right above your knees. By slightly leaning back you must lift your feet off the floor so that your shins are positioned parallel to the ground. Your arms must be extended straight out in front of you at shoulder height, with palms being faced downwards. Flatten and raise your legs toward the ceiling till the time your body forms a V shape. Hold on to this position for as long as you can and then repeat. Progress to holding for longer time.

Reverse Crunches:

reverse crunches

Reverse crunches are known to hone in on the bottommost portion of your rectus abdominus. They also actively train your transverse abdominis, your natural internal girdle, more than old-style crunches would ever do. To effectively execute this exercise, you must lie on the ground in an old-fashioned crunch posture, your feet should be placed flat on the ground and hands must be beneath underneath your head. Then and pull in your belly button and lift your legs towards the ceiling. You could bent the knees slightly, if straight legs are not maintained. Now pull your legs up towards the ceiling and towards the torso so that your tailbone rises off of the floor, and simultaneously perform an old-style crunch, lifting your shoulder blades off of the floor. M Gradually lower your shoulders, hips, and legs and come back to the position from where you started.  Repeat the movement, ensuring not to utilize momentum to power your following rep.

Elbow plank or dolphin pose:

Elbow plank or dolphin pose

Elbow plank pose is an incredible pose that facilitates to stretch the legs and work on fortifying the upper arms. It also reinforces the shoulders and efficiently works out the core muscles. Start the exercise on your hands and knees, gently line up your wrists directly underneath your shoulders, and align your knees under your hips. By lowering your elbows to the ground directly under your shoulders. Your forearms must be kept parallel to each other. By tucking your toes you must step back with your feet, getting your body and head into one line. Heals must be aligned over your toes. You must look between your hands by keeping your head in a line with your spine. This must be followed by firming your shoulder blades into your back. Hold your pose while inhaling smoothly for a couple of breaths. To release the pose, you must gradually lower down onto your knees. Aim to hold for a minute.

Knee tucks in elbow plank position: Go to the elbow plank position as described above and then holding the entire core, pelvis and back, pull the knees towards the torso.

Single leg stretch:

Single leg stretch

Lie down on the floor, on your back, tighten the abs by gently pulling the belly button in and lift your legs to a table top position (90 degrees bent at the hip and 90 degrees bent at the knee)Place your hands placed either behind your head or by your side just like you do in crunches. Lift yourself up from your shoulder blades, like a crunch. Extend one leg out as you keep the other leg at table top and then switch.

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