By Mr. Luke Coutinho
Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine, Holistic Nutrition & Founder –
Busting the Myths Around Butter for a Better Health

A tasty spoon of yellow goodness on the famous street-side pav bhaji or spreading it thin on freshly made breakfast toast, butter is one item that makes almost every dish tastier. However, almost everyone knows that it creates a mess in your body, affecting your heart; not to mention adding that extra layer on your hips too. Did you know, though, that butter has a host of nutrients too? And it can add the missing vitamins in your body.
I get people asking me all the time – is butter good or bad for health? And the answer is, yes and no. Let me elaborate further.
From the times that makkhan was made at home to now when you find packed butter, the process of preparing it remains the same. Taking the rich, creamy part of milk and churning it till the solid fats are separated from the liquid. There are many types of butter made from cow, goat, sheep, and buffalo milk. However, cow’s milk butter is the most popular in India.
Benefits of Butter –
Besides the fat, butter contains essential nutrients such as vitamins A, E, B12, and K. One tablespoon or 14 grams (used for cooking one small meal), contains 11 percent vitamin A, which is needed for maintaining healthy skin and boosting immunity. Additionally, it has two percent vitamin E that is good for the heart and aids the antioxidants in your body to protect against cell damage. Vitamin B12 is usually missing in the diet of vegetarians, with butter you can get your daily supply of this vitamin. Additionally, butter even has small amounts of calcium, niacin, riboflavin, and phosphorus that helps your daily functions.

Butter is a great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a nutrient found in meat and dairy mainly, and has amazing health benefits. In fact, it is found in most weight loss supplements that are natural. It fights the common cold, high blood pressure, and helps manage diabetes too.
Your yellow dollop of butter also contains butyrate, which is a short-chain fatty acid that has a host of benefits for your body. Your gut has good bacteria that help digest your food better and improve the overall immunity. These bacteria use butyrate to power the cells in the intestine. This, in turn, helps treat irritable bowel syndrome, insulin sensitivity, boosts metabolism and reduces inflammation.
Reasons to Avoid Butter –
Alright, so I’m sure you’re convinced to add that extra spoonful of butter in your daily meals, but before you do that learn how butter can harm you too. First off, as everyone knows, butter is high in saturated fat, with almost 63 percent of it in a tablespoon. Furthermore, it also has 26 percent monounsaturated and four percent polyunsaturated fat known to raise bad cholesterol that blocks the arteries, eventually causing heart diseases. Besides health issues, I advise weight watchers to be away from butter. One tablespoon pack about 102 calories, so just one serving a day can make you gain over five kgs in six months.
The Final Verdict –

Yes, you can consume butter but in moderation. You should limit butter intake to match your daily calories, it should just be five percent of your calorie intake. For instance, if you consume 2,000 calories today, butter intake should not have more than 100 grams of calories. Hence, you can only consume half a teaspoon daily. Additionally, you should combine this with other healthy fats like nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and fatty fish. Also remember, processed butter is harmful due to its salt content. Opt for the unprocessed one for alternatives such as makkhan or white butter, homemade ghee, and coconut butter. Finally, remember to adjust your fat intake in a day if you plan to have something cooked in butter.
It is best to consult your nutritionist and doctor to learn if butter works for your body or not. Always remember to start or stop a food item under expert guidance.