By Ms. Preety Tyagi, Lead Health Coach, Nutritionist and Founder of MY22BMI.

Losing weight post delivery while taking care of a newborn can be very hectic for new moms. Although, yoga asanas at home regularly can ensure a flatter belly sooner.
Ustrasana (Camel pose)

Apart from losing belly fat, it helps in promoting digestive health by providing stretch to the digestive organs and allowing them to function well. It is greatly beneficial in improving our immune system and keeping us strong from the within. It’s a great asana for women especially for promoting menstrual health.
Vajrasana (Adamantine Pose)
Vajrasana stimulates the vajra nadi, which facilitates good digestion. It helps relieve from sciatica pain and nerve issues. It is excellent to relieve you from indigestion and is best to performed after eating meals.
Child Pose (Shishuasana)
Child Pose is an excellent asana to be performed after the series of Vajrasana and Ustrasana. It helps us analyze the energy flow in our body and helps in boosting the lymphatic system. It Relieves constipation and promotes gut health and easy digestion.
Halasana (Plow Pose)
Halasana is a beneficial asana for improving your Gut Health and boosting immunity. Stimulates the thyroid gland and strengthens the immune system.Helps women during menopause.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana, also known as Cobra Pose, is extremely beneficial in strengthening our core muscles and ensuring a healthy immune system. This is great for getting rid of hormonal imbalances as well. The asana tones and strengths the abdomen.
Tadasana (Tree Pose)

Tadasana is the base of all the yoga asanas. It is the best exercise to lose weight from all over body. The problem of flat feet is reduced. This Tadasana helps to improve body posture. The asana provides strength and expansion to the lungs. Improve the problems related to indigestion. It helps to remove lethargy from the body.
Regular practice of these asanas will help you get rid of postnatal belly along with multiple health benefits.